I Make a Deal

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               "There you go, honey," The old lady leaned on her cane, finished with patching up the cuts and bruises. "good as new."

I smiled at her politely. "Thank you,"

              "Aw, don't worry about it, deary." She planted a kiss on my forehead without much trouble and smiled grandmotherly. "just be more careful next time. You're lucky Fatgum was around."

               "Yeah..." Fatgum's name still weirded me out, but I guessed it was just a sign of the times a changing.

When he and Suneater came back, Fatgum had looked different: more muscled and toned. His face had been covered in dirt as the sun tucked away for the night and the moon came out to watch. (Good night, Apollo; Good evening Artemis)

Suneater was very tall and lanky, with indigo hair, (rather handsome) but seemed to want to disappear all-together. He practically melted into a puddle of embarrassment when Fatgum told about his bravery with the monster (They called it a villain), which was apparently a person with a cephalopod-like "Quirk". 

When RedRiot told the the orange man about me knowing nothing of Quirks (and upon further inspection nothing of heroes either), Fatgum deemed I was sent back to UA, with RedRiot as an escort, for both a physical and mental evaluation. I agreed on the condition I was free to leave whenever I felt necessary. 

When we arrived, I was greeted with a smiling old lady. According to her, people today had powers called Quirks, and UA trained kids to use their Quirks and become Heroes. 

Now I sat on a medical bed, still unsure of what I was going to do. The old lady told me she was Recovery Girl, a hero who had a healing Quirk. Apollo must have blessed her quite well, as I could feel my cuts healing almost instantaneously. 

               "You feeling tired at all dearie?" She inquired. "Fatigue, sleepiness..?"

               "Um,..no? Not..really?"

Recovery Girl hummed thoughtfully.

She removed a bandage from my knee, quickly (much to my dismay. That hurts!). Underneath, the cut was completely healed. "Your life force is one of the strongest I've seen in decades..." She muttered. She didn't look at me, instead grabbing her chart, as if to make sure she had the right patient.

My life force?

The realization hit me like a truck: I'm an immortal. FUCK!

 I tried to keep my face as neutral and passive as possible. Recovery Girl was obviously an expert on these kinds of things. She must know it's not normal, even for one of their super-powered students. How would she react? Suspicion? Curiosity? Would she notice at all? Did they still burn people at the stake?

However, when she met my gaze, Recovery Girl's face didn't say "Burn the Witch". Instead they held warmth, and even a bit of humor.

She changed the subject. "Principal Nezu has asked to see you. Something about a deal," 

A deal? I caught myself and readjusted my face once again, refusing to show my anxiety over this meeting. 

Deals were never a good thing back on Mt. Olympus. If I was to see this Principal, I would need to be on my guard. Deals could cost you anything from a single drachma, to your soul.

If Recovery Girl sensed my apprehension, she didn't show it. Instead she looked contemplative as she leaned on her needle-like cane. "Do you know your way to his office?" I shook my head, no. "Well of course you don't, how silly of me." 

She sighed, obviously exhausted. She didn't want to have to walk me there, nor go through the trouble of drawing a map...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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