Hello, Mr. Orange

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               "Oh, hell no." I turned around and ran the opposite way. 

Zeus's little note hadn't mentioned if I had retained immortality, and the last thing I wanted was to be killed by a giant, evil, octopus, in my first five minutes. Now I understood why there were so many "Be safe!"s: Earth was plagued by killer Octopi!


I stopped dead in my tracks, and whipped around, hard. Ten to twenty civilians gathered behind a yellow street block, all either staring at the monster or the little girl only a mere distance from the monster. She had little blonde pigtails and big blue eyes, quickly filling with tears at the creature before her. 

               "SAYAKA!" Her mother shrilled out in fear. She had a stroller beside her, with two identical baby boys sharing the same features as their mother and sister.

I was torn between fight or flight. What was I supposed to do: run? But there was a little girl in danger! However there was also a giant octopus made out of cement and street pavement!

The little girl gave out a terrified scream as a tendril reached out for her.

No more time to think, I ran over to her, picking up an abandoned baseball bat. I batted the tendril away and grabbed her. Right now the street block was my best bet for safety. 

I navigated around the broken asphalt, trying to hold both the bat and the little girl simultaneously. Once I got close enough to the group of people, I threw her. Not very safe, but it worked. 

Someone caught her and handed her to the blonde woman I assumed was her mother. The two clutched onto each other like their lives depended on it. 

               "You're okay, you're okay. Everything is fine," The display of affection made me long for me own mother. 

My distracted state was taken advantage of by the monster, picking me up in his tentacle. 


Don't ask me how I know that. My friend Amphitrite is married to Poseidon, which means double dates are like classes with the worlds most enthusiastic marine-biology teacher. 

Instead of putting me down, the monster decided to ignore me and start breaking windows of what I assumed where business offices. Printers, desk chairs, and filing cabinets came piling out.

If only the monster's grip was a little looser, I could stab it in the eye with my bat. The monster didn't seem to be trying to strangle me, though. Just keeping me out of the way while it caused destruction. Smart...

A comically round man clad in orange suddenly flew into view, launching himself at the monster's face. The inky black cephalopod-like creature growled. It's tendril loosened its grip around me, now just barely holding me in place. I smiled. 

Mr. Orange was thrown off, giving me an opening. The monster was still focused on the bright man, allowing me to lodge the bat into its eye as my arms would push it. 

               Let me tell you: It did not like that.

The roar it gave was deafening. When it opened its mouth, I swear my stomach dropped to my toes. Rows and rows of sharp teeth made of metal, shrapnel, cement, all guaranteed to test whether or not my depleted abilities included 'death by chew' immunity. 

Once again I was faced with fight or flight. I had forgotten what it was like to be mortal in a life or death situation. Adrenaline pumping through my veins, my brain focused solely on "IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE". Oh, how nostalgic it was.

Zeus is a Bitch (Kirishima x Goddess!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now