Chapter I

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Authors note: Hey y'all it's me Lia or you might know me as VennyWinters. Welcome to the first chapter of Mother's daughter, where I will be writing from the perspective of the one and only Ms Mildred Ratched. I've been given the honour to work closely with the talented and brilliant Allyson_Goode, it's been such an encouraging and insightful experience and it's really helped me grow as a writer. Thank you. Unfortunately, you're stuck with me for the first chapter but let's use it as a way of rolling out the red carpet for Ms Allyson, she'll be with you next chapter :) Enjoy!

(This is where y'all start clapping, yeah you)



"Nurse Ratched?"

I lifted my head at the sound of soft knocking, looking straight at the man standing at the doorway, his eyes flickering over my own before looking down at his shoes.

"Yes, Huck, what is it?"

"The governor is waiting for you in the meeting room"

"I'm aware" I say, looking back down at my work.

"Would you like me to inform him that you're going to be late?"

"Late?" I question, tilting my head inquisitively.

"They've been waiting for you for twenty minutes, Ms Ratched"

"A woman is never late, everyone else is simply early"

"Of course, I'm sorry for wasting your time"

"It's quite alright, I'll make my way up in a few minutes"

I waved my hand, motioning for him to close the door behind him. Huck looks at me one last time, as if wanting to say something before turning on his heels and carefully shutting the door. I glance down at the paperwork scattered all over my desk, too much to do, too little time.

I look down at my watch, I was now 25 minutes 'over time'. They'd have to wait, It's not like they had anything better to do. The governor spends most of his time gambling or ordering hookers around anyway. I stood up, pushing my chair back and making my way towards the small bathroom attached to my office, the clicking of my heels preceding me.

The teal color of the walls matched the color of my uniform, I really needed to get that changed. I'm not here to blend in, I'm here to stand out, it was about time they understood that. I stare at myself in the mirror, my reflection absorbed in my pupils. My auburn hair tucked into a large bun, keeping my hair in order. My slim face and protruding cheekbones more refined than ever.

"Looking good today Mildred"


I stopped before opening the door, taking a deep breath. It's not that I was scared, this man had the talent to aggravate me to a point of no return. I needed to keep my composure. That was key.

I pressed my body weight against the door, walking in, keeping my posture straight to maintain authority. A large man sat at the end of the end of the table, Dr Hannover sitting on the other, Gwendolyn sitting beside the Governor. The minute I walked in, all their heads turned to me, piercing my skin with their stares.

"Ms Ratched, do you have any idea what time it is?"

"It's half past two, I'd recommend you get a watch Governor sir"

The look of shock on his face filled me with pride, I couldn't hide the smug expression forming on my features. I pull out a chair beside Dr Hannover and place the files that I'd been carrying under my arm on the table in front of me.

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