Chapter IV

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As soon as I was dragged through the door, I was thrown onto a wheelchair like a ragged doll.

While I was pushed further into the hospital by one of the nurses, I can't help but notice how lavishly the interior of the hospital was decorated. The walls were coated with fresh white paint, the dark-colored floor so glossy that one can see its own reflection on the ground, couches that were carefully picked to match the overall aesthetic and not to mention the huge chandelier that's hanging from the high ceiling.

Slowly approaching the lobby area, the two policemen marched along the corridor with pride, the sound of their combat boots thundered across the room, as if to announce my arrival.

People in the lobby area had stopped whatever they were doing and snapped their heads towards my direction curiously, trying to figure out what's going on. The ambient noise circulating the lobby had suddenly died down, replaced with dead silence. Every pair of eyes in the room were now looking at me as if I were an exotic animal in a cage, making me feel small and more powerless than I already was, feelings that I have not felt in a long time.

Why...Why am I brought here when I had done absolutely nothing wrong? All I ever wanted was to live a quiet life together with Chloe, that's all. Is that too much to ask for ?

With my legs shaking uncontrollably as a reflection of the anxiety that was building up on the inside, I tilt my head down to hide my face behind my hair and silent tears were now streaming down my pale face. Feeling the heavy metal pulling both my wrists down, I had no other options but to let them soak the hospital gown I had on.

Passing through the long, hollow corridor, blood-chilling screams echoed from several different doors along the hallway, sending chills down my spine although it doesn't seem to bother any one of the nurses that were moving aside to make way for me. All the nurses here seem to carry a certain kind of dark aura and they all had the same expressionless face, like they were all lifeless clones made from the same mold. It felt as if they were all prisoners of this hospital, trapped here for eternity, unable to escape from here and are forced to work for the remaining days of their lives.

What exactly is this place?


"Aaaand we're done here, wanna join me for beer at Joe's after work?" one of the policemen said to the other before making his way back to the elevator that brought us to the basement.

"Haha, you know I'll never say no to that man." The other replied and chuckled a little.

"Anyways, have fun rotting in here you little psycho bitch" He tapped on the solid metal bars twice with a smirk on his face before catching up with his friend.

Lying on the bed that was placed in the center of the cell, my body felt weak and the effect of the painkillers that they had given me earlier were starting to wear off. The intensity of pain from all over my body was starting to increase but I didn't flinch, didn't budge or even frown. Those physical pain were barely anything compared to the pain that I am feeling in my aching heart. I was locked away from the world, from my daughter in some dark, humid basement to be forgotten, to never be missed. I feel so, alone.

Growing up, I never really had a normal childhood like everyone else. I didn't have anyone to play with, didn't have anyone to talk to. I never knew what it was like to have a family nor to have parents that would shower me with love and care. For as long as I can remember, all my parents did was to use me as a punching bag. They would throw anything they could find at me, whipping me with a leather belt and oftentimes scalding me with boiling water. There was never a day in my life that wasn't a living hell, crying myself to sleep every night feeling miserable and hungry.

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