Chapter: 1

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Ghosty's Perspective:

Fallen autumn leaves are scattered about, dancing with the wind, forming piles on the forest floor. A cold wind rustles the shrubbery and chills the air. The distant sun, providing no warmth, beams brightly through the almost bare branches, shining down into the masked man's eyes.
Dazed, the man lifts his hand up to shield from the sun. He groans as he pries open his heavy eyelids and peers through his fingers wrapped in a black leather glove.
"Where..? Agh-"
A sudden painful ringing in the man's head caused him to hiss and bite his tongue. It was like a bell had been planted inside his skull and rung furiously. A stinging shockwave followed after every chime.
"Ow, ow, ow-"
And then the pain was gone.
As if it never happened.
The man gently rubbed his forehead and poked his tongue, which started to bleed. He pouted and sighed.
"Well, fuck."
It was then that the man finally became aware of his surroundings.
He seemed to be dropped right in the middle of a dead forest. No animals, trails, buildings, or people in sight.
He examined himself and found a knife in the holster on his belt.
From seeing its rusty, blood stained features, memories started to jog inside his head as the man began to remember why he was here.
He started to laugh softly as he struggled to his feet, using the tree he had been leaning on to balance.
"Ah, I remember," The man wipes a few twigs off his chest and straightens his mask, "I was one-uping that fucking heartless cunt."
With his mouth locked into a sly grin, Ghostface set off on a carefree stroll through the woods.

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