Chapter 37

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Sang's P.O.V.

       "Sang, you can be my nurse until I'm all better," Marc says.

      I raise an eyebrow, "Sure. But I'm not skipping school for you again"

      He sticks his lower lip out, "Well who will be my nurse while you're at school?" The pain medicine they gave him sure is doing it's job.

        I pretend to think about it. "I'm sure Raven would love to be your nurse when I can't be there. You could even get him the outfit," I laugh.

Marc bursts out laughing, "Raven is not the one I'd like to see in that."

I blush a little as Raven glares at us, making us laugh a lot harder. "I will not be wearing a costume for any reason."

"We'll see bol'shoy medved' (big bear)."

"I don't want to see Raven in that," Marc repeats before moving our positions. I'm now on my side with my head on his shoulder now, his good arm wrapped around me. He presses a light kiss on the top of my head.

Without any warning, the door opens and I jump, afraid I'll be called out for being in bed with Marc. He keeps me from moving though, so I hope whoever it is doesn't care. However, when I do see who is at the door, my jaw almost drops.

Gabriel. He walks closer to us, the rest of the boys filing in behind him. It's dark, but he eventually sees my face. "What the fuck? Sang?"

"Gabriel?," I say, just as confused.

"Hold on, what the hell is happening here?," North asks.

"You guys know each other?," Brandon asks looking between us.

I nod, "They're my friends from school."

        Marc rubs my back, "How come you never mentioned this?"

       "What, that I had friends? I didn't think it was a big deal. Plus none of you asked about my friends. I figured you all would meet eventually, I just didn't think that you guys would already know each other."

Everyone gets quiet and I feel some sort of tension, but I don't know why. They're all friends evidently.

"How do you know them Sang?," Silas asks.

"They're the guys I met when I first moved here."

"So they are the guys you just moved in with?," Luke asks.

I nod, "Yes they are."

It gets quiet and Gabriel shakes his head, "Holy shit. Can't say I saw this one coming."

"Wait," I say, "So you all are apart of the Academy?"

The boys seemed shocked by my question, which catches me off guard . "You told her?," Nathan asks, looking at the boys.

      "Of course," Raven says, "We would not adopt her without telling her."

        "You're adopting her?," Victor asks.

        "Eventually," Axel says, "Our main goal was to get her out of her house and now that's pretty much taken care of. So, we'll do it at whatever pace is best for Sang."

      "That's what we were trying to do," Kota adds, "Just without the Academy part."

       "Well, you didn't. But don't worry, we have it taken care of," Brandon says.

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