Love, Death & Robots: good hunting (I)

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Good Hunting
Good Hunting.jpg
8 (Default Order)
March 15th, 2019
Philip Gelatt (Show)
Ken Liu (Book)

Oliver Thomas
Beyond the Aquila Rift The Dump

Good Hunting is the eighth episode of the first season of Love, Death & Robots.

Episode Synopsis
The son of a spirit hunter forges a bond with a shape-shifting huli jing.

In early 20th century China, young Liang accompanies his father, a spirit hunter, in a bounty for Tsiao-Jung, a Huli Jing, a shapeshifting fox-like spirit. Liang becomes briefly entranced by her and stumbles before his father is able to trap her in a half transformed state. They pursue her to her den, where Liang meets Tsiao-Jung's daughter, Yan. There, Yan angrily confronts him over attacking them and explains that humans can fall in love with Huli Jing without being entranced by magic. Tsiao-Jung appears, warning Yan to stay away from dangerous humans before Liang's father beheads her. When his father asks if Liang saw any pups, Liang lies and allows Yan to escape.

Years later, Liang's father passes away as the colonized modernization of China begins. Liang admits that he was glad his father passed when he did, as he did not believe his traditional father would have been able to accept all the changes coming to China. In that time, Liang maintained a close friendship with Yan, who did not blame Liang for her mother's death. Due to the modernizing, magic is slowly fading from the world and Yan has increasing difficulty transforming back into her fox form.

Liang eventually moves to Hong Kong and works as a train engineer, becoming very skilled with machines. One night, he meets Yan once again, now permanently stuck in human form. Unable to hunt, she is forced to rely on her beauty to seduce men for money. As she states, she now lives by the very thing Liang accused her mother of: bewitching men.

After they part ways once more, Liang slowly develops his skills into more advanced robotic engineering. Yan returns to him once more, this time asking for his help. Since their last parting, she was drugged by the Governor of Hong Kong, who forcibly subjected her to surgery that transformed her organic body into a machine, turning her into a cyborg sex toy for his twisted perversions. The Governor could only be aroused by machines and forced Yan to become his personal sex toy. Unable to bear it any longer, Yan killed him.

Now, Yan returns to Liang asking for his help, wishing to hunt once more, but this time hunt those who oppress their people. Liang agrees. Using his skills, he slowly replaces and upgrades Yan's mechanical body with a flexible chrome body. Upon completion, Yan consumes a bowl of coal, activating her machine body and allowing her to transform into a robotic Huli Jing. Liang wishes Yan "good hunting" and they part ways. Yan gracefully leaps across the industrial city before cornering three men preparing to sexually assault a young woman.

Adult Yan - Elaine Tan
Adult Liang/Renshu/Young Man - Matt Yang King
Tsiao Jung - Gwendoline Yeo
Young Liang - Maddox Henry
Young Yan/Woman - Sumalee Montano
Supervisor/British Man - JB Blanc
It is suggested that Yan is the last of her kind, because Liang's father said there's nothing left to hunt.
The Governor is said to be only aroused by machines, meaning he is Objectum.
Most women are shown being sexually harassed by gentlemen, this is possibly due to women back in the day were treated as "objects" and men were superior towards them (which resulted of Yan's transfiguration from the Governor's scientists).
Below are screenshots of the episode.

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What's on Netflix > Netflix News > Love, Death & Robots Episode 8: Good Hunting Ending Explained
Love, Death & Robots Episode 8: Good Hunting Ending Explained
by Jacob Robinson@JRobinsonWoNon March 16, 2019, 9:27 am EST
Copyright. Netflix

For anyone confused about the ending to the eighth episode of Love, Death and Robots allow us to help! We’ll be covering the remaining episodes too of Love, Death, and Robots, but here is the ending explained to Good Hunting.

In a tragic twist of fate, Liang the son of a spirit hunter befriends and forms a strong bond with a shapeshifting Huli Jing.

Ending Explained

After leaving their village Liang had grown to become an engineer working on English trains. Meanwhile, Yan had become a sex worker for English clients, ironically targeting and seducing men so that she can survive. Thanks to the industrial revolution magic continues to be stripped from the world stopping Yan from transforming into her Huli Jing form. Yan expresses her desire to hunt but can no longer take part.

Liang’s skills grow as he creates autonomous machines, using his skills to bring them to ‘life’ they were almost magic like. One night Yan arrives at Liang’s home and reveals to her old friend her body had been transformed into a machine. A client of Yan’s drugged her and the procedure was forced upon her just because he could only become erect by sleeping with a machine. Refusing to lay with the client any further, in a bout of rage, she ripped apart his jaw, igniting her feral desire to hunt once more. She asks for Liang’s help so that she can hunt the evil men that prey upon the weak.

Good Hunting
Through Liang’s skill, he produces a brand new body for Yan, one that would allow her to hunt. Yan through the use of her new body can transform into her Huli Jing form and hunt freely in the city of Hong Kong. Wishing her a “Good Hunting,” Liang watches as Yan flies from rooftop to rooftop. Meanwhile, a distressed woman runs through the streets of Hong Kong. The woman reaches a dead end and is approached by the group of men chasing her. Before the men can do any harm Yan arrives in her Huli Jing form hunting the men that dare do harm.

A Beautiful and cruel irony
The ending is laden with irony as is the story throughout. By Liang crafting a body for Yan to hunt men, he has gone against his father’s wishes and now helps the Huli Jing he once would have hunted. His father believed the stories of Huli Jing seducing men and feeding on them for their ‘evil’ magic which clearly wasn’t the case. The irony for Yan is she has now become the thing she once protested she wasn’t. Now having a form she can use to hunt, her prey has become men, hunting those that would defile women.

Liang and Yan would likely continue their friendship if possible. Yan now an autonomous machine will likely live forever, free to hunt who she wishes.

What did you think of Good Hunting? Let us know in the comments below!

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