The letter

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Lucy's POV
When I woke up, I got ready and made my way to breakfast. When I got there, Chiron asked if I would talk to him in private. I agreed and walked with him.
"Now Lucy, there is something I need to tell you. You are a witch" he said like I didn't know. I couldn't help but snigger. " you haha didn't really think haahhaaaaa that I didn't know? HAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAAHAHA OH MY GODS HAAHHAHAHA" I said then bursts out laughing. I was rolling on the floor and banging my hand in the ground. I sat up still laughing then all of sudden stood up straight and put on a straight face.
" You mean to tell me that you knew this whole time?" Chiron said
" Of course! How could I not know!" I said suddenly cheery.
" I'm guessing your mother told you" he said
"No" I said now getting sad
" She doesn't know you know?" He asked
" No she knows" I said
" So you figured it out and she confirmed it" he asked
" No" I said
" Somebody else told you?" He asked
" No" I said
" I am very confused. Explain please" he said
" I figured it out but I can't confirm it with her. But she know I know" I said
" How?" He said
" She doesn't like Hades very much" I said an that softened his face.
" Oh. well anyway, a letter has come for you. You are to go to-" he started but I cut him off
" Hogwarts yes I know. My foster sister happens to be a witch" I said.
" We both got a letter one week before my 11th birthday. Which was February 22nd. Which means I got my letter the 15th. Is that all?" I asked
" Yes, except, you will be going home 3 days early to prepare for your school year. Is that ok?" He asked
" Yes that's fine" I replied.
" Now go eat" he said and I left.
I got some watermelon, a sandwich and some chips with a root beer.

I did the sacrifice thing and went to eat. I eat all I can and then started my schedule.

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