Chapter 12

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I wake up to sunlight peeking in through the windows.
Then I remember I'm still with Luna. I look down to see her curled up next to me, still sound asleep. I smile and look around. It's 11 am. I never noticed her room is a shade of pale pink. I roll over to face her, just as she opens her eyes. "Morning." I whisper, and she blushes. "Oh," she smiles. "Good morning, Cory." I laugh as she sits up, her long hair barley even messed up. I sit up too, and wrap my arms around her side. "Don't look at me," she demands. And I sigh. "Why?" I ask. "I look terrible in the mornings." She complains, and I let out a huge laugh. "That's impossible." I pause. "You never look terrible." She glares at me and I throw her a grin. "CORY! CORYS MISSING!!!" I hear outside the door, and it swings open, then slams shut. I smile as I see Connor standing in front of the door. "Oh my goodness gracious. Cory's missing." He throws his hands in the air, then puts them to his mouth. "Oh. You slept together?!" He yells and Luna gets up, shushing him. "My virginity is still in tact." I smile and he sighs in relief. "Good. You're to young, son. And this girl will ruin you." "Hey!" Luna yells and playfully shoves him. She will ruin me.
She will ruin me.
She will ruin me.
Runs through my head as I scoot to the edge of the bed. I stare at the ground, and clear my throat. "What's wrong?" Luna asks, and I grin. "Don't look at me. I look ugly in the mornings."

We decided to go hang out at the mall for a hour or two. Which was cool, I guess but I'm kinda poor. We walk into a smoothie place, and Luna sits down. Connor gets our drinks for us. "Thanks man." I say as I grab my smoothie. "So," Connor says, sitting down next to Luna, and in front of me. "I was thinking about something that we should do. Close to the end of the year, yanno a little after the middle of the year." I nod, taking a sip of my smoothie. "We should sneak off campus, late at night, and go partying until the early hours of the morning." He says happily, and Luna smirks. "Sounds wonderful." She laughs, and so do I.

We finally make it back to the school. I bought Luna some things with what money I did have, even though she refused to take them. I walk into her room and sit down the bags of clothes and shoes. "Thank you so much." She says again, and stands on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around my neck and hug me. I smile and hug her back. "Of course, babe." I say happily as Connor walks in. "Y'all are gross." He mumbles, half smiling. "That's what I think of you and Cameron." Luna states as she puts the bags near her closet. "Not nice." Connor frowns and sits down. I laugh and sit down on her bed, looking around her room. "So what're we doing tonight?" I ask, looking at Connor who is staring at himself on the blank screen of Luna's MacBook. "It's Saturday." He says as he fixes his hair. "No fuck Sherlock." I mumble and lay back. "Kenzie's still not back??" Luna says as she hangs up the last shirt, and puts the shoes on the top rack. "Should we check?" Connor asks, standing up. I sit up and watch Luna as she nods, and walks towards the door. "Let's go." They both walk out the door, and I follow. We make it to her dorm room and matts waiting there, his arms crossed in front of him. "What did you do to her?" He says angrily. Luna and Connor look at each other then look back at him. "What?" Luna asks. "You." He pushes past them and points at me. "What did you do to her?" He repeats. I stare at him intently, not saying a word. He suddenly pushes me and I stumble backwards. "What did you do!?!" He yells. "I didn't do anything!" I yell back, and Luna walks over in between us. "What's going on, Matt?" She asks and his eyes move towards her. "This dildo was fighting with her, earlier. That's why she left!" Luna turns towards me and scrunches her eyebrows. "Did you?" She asks quietly. "No!" I half yell, but that's a lie. I did fight with her, I called her a coward and an idiot. I made her leave. "Why would I?" I ask, looking from Matt to Luna. Matt sighs loudly and turns his head towards the ground. "I'm sorry man." He looks up at me. "I'm just really upset. She's not answering her phone for anyone, not even me." He mumbles. I frown, and accept his apology. "Maybe she would answer you," he says and hands me a piece of paper with her number on it. "Since you guys have known each other for a while." I nod and fold the piece of paper up, putting it in my hoodie pocket. "So she's still not back?" Luna asks, and Matt nods. "Her dorm room is locked, too. But I know she's not in there." Luna looks at the door and sighs quietly. Matt walks away, leaving us standing there, wondering where she is. "Did you fight with her?" Luna asks and turns around, her face seeming blank, upset. "No, we just talked after her and Matt fought. That's it." I stare at her, and she stares back. "Do you swear?" "Yes." I say quickly. Second lie I've told her.

Later that day, I walk into my dorm room, and get out my phone. I take out the folded piece of paper and stare at the number. Would she answer? Should I even call? I slowly click on the phone app, and dial the number. I let out a giant sigh. She won't pick up. "Hello." A soft voice says on the other line. My heart stops, and my breath stops too. I wanted to say 'Kenzie where are you I'm sorry I said those things I still have feelings for you even though I'm in love with Luna too but I seem to be in love with two people' but I feel like that wouldn't help? So I just stood there, not saying anything. "Hello?" She asks, her voice still quiet. "Kenzie...where are you?" I ask, also quiet. "Why do you care?" She whispers, and I hear a shuffling on the other line. "Me and Matt broke up. He was cheating on me with 10 other girls," her voice breaks, and I close my eyes, silently inhaling. "Oh.." I whisper. "I can't take it, Cory. It hurts so much." She says, beginning to cry. "Everyone gets hurt, and I know sometimes you think you won't get over it. But you will! Because you'll find someone that'll love you more and treat you better than the last. You'll find someone to make you happy. I promise, you will. Make it through the storm, don't let it kill you." I say quietly, and for a moment, there's a silence on the other line. "I still love you." And then, she hangs up.

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