Chapter 3: meeting ash ketchum

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- waking up -

" l was saved" l mumble quietly
" thank goodness your okay"
" why are you here" l say glaring at Ashley
" bas"
" who saved me" l asked

" your feebas" Tyler said
" really" l asked
" really" Tyler replied
" feebas your my life saver, l could've never done it without you, your not shabby or ugly your very beautiful" l say smiling
" bas"
" feebas evolved" l say
" that's great" Tyler said

" lopunny"
" pi"
" vine"
" lapras"

" Milotic the water type Pokémon, also known as the tender Pokémon, milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all the Pokémon. It has the power to becalm such emotions as anger and hostility to quell bitter feuding." The Pokédex explains
" Milotic"
" wow you still look so beautiful" l say smiling

" y/n your so inspiring" Tyler said
" how so" l asked
" all your Pokémon look at you with admiration and hope, that's why feebas was able to evolve even though you caught like a few hours ago" Tyler explains

" is that true" l say looking at them.
" milotic"
" pi pi pichu"
" servine"
" lopunny
" eary"
" eevee"
" ralts"
" grovyle"

" that means so much to me" l say tears stinging my eyes

- 30 minutes later-
" we'll be leaving now bye" Tyler says
" bye Tyler l hope we meet again" l say smiling

" bye y/n" Tyler said smiling

- nurse joy time -

" here are you pokéballs" nurse joy said smiling
" so we're finally here" l say smiling
" so first thing first let's go to the forest" l say smiling

- forest -
" a sleeping Lugia" l mumble quietly
" So cute" l say sitting down next to it
" Gia"
" your awake, did l disturb you, l just saw you sleeping peacefully and thought l'd join you" l say smiling

" Gia"
" is it fine if l stay here" l ask
" Gia"
" thank you so much" l say smiling

" come on out everyone" l say letting go of my pokéball.
" gia, lugia"
" if your worried about me catching you, don't worry l'd never do that" l reply giggling

" Gia"
" have fun bye" l say waving at it flies away


" huh, hey wait" l Yelp at the lugia that tries to fly away
" lugia" l Yelp jumping high up
" Gia"
" no way" l hear a voice say distracting me

"Gwa what are you doing here" me and the guy from before say in sync.

- let's skip the falling part and back to when lugia catches them :)-

" that was close" the guy said
" you know what, it was awesome to meet so many new Pokémon" l say smiling
Gettting a laugh from him
" your pretty funny you know" he says
" ya, you think so" l reply smiling

" yup" he replies
" l accept you" he adds
" you accept me" l state confused
" l accept you as my friend" he says proudly
" what are you talking about" l say confused

" l'm goh from vermilion city" he announces
" l'm ash from pallet town" l introduce myself
" this is my partner pikachu" l add
" pikachu~"
" nice to meet you" me and goh say in sync

Suddenly we were flown through a grassy field, that were surrounded by pokemon, then lugia dropped us.

- y/n's pov -

I watched from far away as lugia flew away from the boys it dropped
" wow amazing" l mumble quietly
" lopunny"
" return to your pokéballs" l say
" okay lopunny eevee let's go meet these boys" l say smiling.

" lopunny"
" eevee"

" Pokémon sure are nice" l hear one of them say as the dropped to the ground

" they really are" l mumble as l walk behind them
" who are you" they asked
" hi my names y/n l/n from the sinnoh region
" hi l'm ash Ketchum from pallet town"the boy on the floor said
" this is my partner pikachu" he adds
" gou from vermillion city" the other one said

" lugia reminded me just how the big the world is" gou said out of nowhere
" and that if you want it bad enough, you can go anywhere" gou adds
" and meet whatever Pokémon you want " l mumble quietly
" you can meet them, for sure!" I say smiling

We all burst into laughing.

" well l guess it's time to go back" gou says getting up
" but where are we" they both Yelp
" do you guys want me to help you" l ask
" you can help us" they ask looking at me

" l mean l pretty much came from the same direction" l state
" thank you so much" gou said
" it's time to go you two" l say

" who are you talking to" gou and ash ask
" my partners, meet lopunny and eevee" l say smiling
" woah it's an eevee and a lopunny" they say shocked
" where are you heading for" they asked

" l'm looking for an institute" l explain
" oh l get it" ash replies
" come this way l'll show you out" l say walking forward.

- later -

" we finally made it" l watched as they sighed

- tbc -

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