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Hello, my name is Nightmare Black Shadow but I go by Midnight Black Shadow. I was born on October 17th, I dont know the year. Im very clueless of the year. When I was born I had 2 older siblings that are twins name Lilac and Dark. They were both 100 years old at the time. As so I was born I was connected to a shadow name Shady cause the doctors saw all the powers I had and I needed a helper quickly so I got Shady. She is 10,000 years old, "Old lady" right pfft! Anyway, she was connected after 30 minutes. Shady is a dead shadow but when you died as a shadow your stuck as a shadow forever, sadly. Cause of have many powers I had,I always had someone watching me. When my parents were working Shady, Dark,and Lilac were watching me cause our parents were busy with royalty stuff. Oh yeah forgot to tell you my mom and dad are king and queen of shadows or were now. Yeah the bad thing
was that Shady was teaching me how to cuss, tease, and more evil things cause shadows are know for being evil and mean, plus we spill lots of tea. When I hitted 1 years old I knew all the cuss words in the world. Plus Lilac and Dark were teaching me english. Yeah my first langauge was unknown demon langauge I guessed. It is a weird langauge, I cant lie. When I was a baby my family been telling me that me and Dark used to tackled each other all the time, dont worry he never hurt me cause he went flying into a wall all the time though...oops but it had to hurt. Welp lets get on with my story!
Author's note
I wont be working on this story for a little while, I working on a new book I'm writing called One Female Butler's Life. It's my new project and I'll be working hard on that instead of other my stories for now and I might fix or remake these old stories but for now bye bye! I have a good rest of your day!

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