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Hey Dr. Gray, how is Ruby? Said Leo. "Good. Baby Nightmare will come very shorty." Said Dr.Gray. "Time wise?" Said Leo. "The baby should come in 2 hours. Queen Ruby do a couple more laps in the hallway to help the process." Said Dr.Gray. "Okay." Said Ruby. Ruby got up slowly and walks out the room to do more laps in the hallway. "Dont worry King Leo we are taking good care of her. Do you have any questions?" Said Dr.Gray. "Will my unborn daughter be okay? She is two days late....I'm worry and will my wife be okay? I'm worry for her too." Said Leo. "They are both Okay. They have not show any sign of stressed or anything bad. They are going to be healthly and happy. So take some deep breaths and walk with your wife, and check on your kids." Said Dr.Gray. Leo nods and left to room to walk with Ruby. "Hey Ruby" Leo said while smiling. "Hey Leo, are you ready to see her soon?" Said Ruby. "Im so ready to her, I cant wait any longer. I want to see her adorable baby face." Said Leo. Ruby laughs a little. "Well you should go check on our little shadows while walking." Said Ruby. "Are you sure?" Said Leo. "Yes, I'm sure. I want to make sure my other little shadows are okay." Said Ruby. "Alright I'll be back." Said Leo as he walk to the waiting room. How are my little shadows doing? "Good dad." Said Dark. Lilac fell asleep while hugging Pumpkin. Said Dark as he yawns. "I see that. Are sure you guys want to stay here, you can always go back home." Said Leo. "We are sure dad, we are 100 years old. Plus we dont want a random guard watching us." Said Dark. Plus I will pull the allnighter to just watch Lilac. "Okay...are you sure? If you do that I will not let both of you go to school tomorrow." Said Leo. "Thanks dad and yes I'm very sure." Dark said while hugging Lilac and Lilac smiles in her sleep. "Okay. Be safe. Pumpkin protect them for me please while I take care of Ruby." Said Leo and Pumpkin's heads nod. Leo goes back to Ruby to see if she's there but she's not. So Leo teleport to her. "Oh there you are." Leo said as he sigh in relief. "Oh sorry honey. I didnt mean to scare you." She said as hugging him. I think its time to go back to the room. My pain is getting 10 times worse then before. "Okay, Lets go and be careful please." Said Leo. "I will dont worry, I know your a little scared." They both walk back to her room and she lay down on the bed and a nurse walks in to check on Ruby. "Okay Mrs.Shadow, it's time." Said the nurse. "O-Okay." Said Ruby. "Do your breathing exercise that you practice in those classes." Said the nurse. Ruby did what she was told then all the nurses and doctors walk in to get ready.

Queen Ruby was in labor for 7 hours. October 17th at 4:15 am. Queen Ruby is very tired and nurses are doing a check up on the newborn while Ruby is getting a check up and as Leo is crying a little and smiling too. Then a nurse runs in their room. Mrs. Shadow and Mr Shadow? "Yes?" Said Leo. "Nightmare has tons of power, she is part cat, shadow,demon. Plus she has 2 shadow connected to her and some demons too...she is very dangerous without help...I'm sorry." Said the nurse. "It's okay.......get one of my most trusted shadow.....and connected them to Nightmare if they agree to help.." Said Ruby as she was crying a little. "Okay!" Said the nurse as she runs out very quickly. "Hey..Ruby it will be okay..our daughter will be okay..I will make sure of that, okay? Now I'm going to help them with Nightmare." Said Leo as he gets up and goes to Nightmare to help. "It will be okay, Ruby. She just is very mixed from you guys species." Said Dr.Gray. "Y-Yeah...I'm just scared and worry about her now." Said Ruby. "We will all help, I promise." Dr.Gray said.

After 25 minutes later Leo tell Ruby that they connect a dead shadow to Nightmare and her name is Shady then told her Shady's background. After that Leo went to Lilac and Dark. Hey my little shadows. "Hey our baby sister okay?" Dark said while he is half asleep. "Yes but there is a shadow connected to her to help her with her magic..." Said Leo. "Its okay dad we wont be mad about that. She is just more powerful and needs more help." Said Dark as he falls asleep. "Oh my. He must been really tired." Leo said while smiling a little.

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