To The Brain

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He's still moving. FUCK! What do i do? Bang! Bang! Bang! I fired three more shots. Two to the chest and one to the brain. Splatters of blood went everywhere. I grab my blade and swiftly swipe it across his abdomen. His organs fall out. I smile, having  done this before and feeling the pleasure in relieving the world of this terrible criminal person. 

"Farewell Bitch" I grab the rest of my stuff and walk out. I start  to close the door when I get a fantabulous idea. I turn around, pick up his puppy, Moxie, and walk out of the house. That'll teach ya.  I walk down the stairs and head towards the main lobby. I see his mother standing by the elevator. FUCK! She knows me and she'll know it was me who killed her son once she goes upstairs. I go to her.

"Hey Mrs. Patrick!" she turns to me.

"Selestia! What a nice surprise! Did you just go see Turner?" She looks at me smiling. Her eyes crinkle when she smiles, how cute.

"Yes! I did. He's up there waiting for you." I smile in return. 

"Great." She looks to Moxie. "Quick question... Why do you have Moxie?" I freeze. 

"Oh.. uhm. Turner gave me her as an early birthday present!" She eyes me weirdly.

"That's strange... Turner loves that dog." She says. 

"Yeah, he also loved you but I guess now your both gone." She stares at me puzzled as I raise my pistol and shoot her dead in the heart. Good Riddance. I walk away from the house and begin to walk up the block to the train. Whew boy! Two kills under half an hour? Not the best but still, makes me hungry. 

I spot a pizza place on the way to the train and I take a stop in there. 

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