"May I?"

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I step up to the counter and order 2 pepperoni slices, a soda, and a side of cocoa bread. 

"$10 please" the guy behind the counter says. As I pull out my wallet I hear someone behind me say, 

"May I?" He's tall and buff. He has his hood on but before I say anything he pulls out his wallet and pays. I grab my pizza and start walking out. He follows behind me.

"Hey, thanks. You didn't have to do that" He just nods. o-kay.  I continue to walk to the train and he's still following me. I guess he realizes that I start feeling nervous and he starts to speak, 

" Just making sure you get to where your going safe." This time it's my turn to nod. I swipe my metro-card and he swipes his. We sit and wait on the bench on the train. The train comes. We aboard and I grab my phone.

"Here. You bought me food and the least I can do is give you my number so we can meet up again. U-Unless you don't want to?" He smiles

"It's fine" He grabs my phone and puts in his number, snaps a pic, and gives it back. 

"Joaquin?" I giggle. He stares at me.

" What's funny? That's my name. Joaquin Felix."

"Joaquin Felix? That's cute" Just like you are... GIRL STOP.He laughs. The rest of the ride we stay quiet. He comes with me to my apartment. We're at my door and I turn to him. I was about to let him go but I decided against it.

"Do you want to come in for dinner? My parents aren't home and won't be home for a while." I shrug my shoulder and he approves and comes in. I take his jacket. 

"You have a nice home" he tells me.

"Thank you" I say as I shut and lock the door. 

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