You'll never abandon me... right?

104 5 13

art: @/cedarshade_art on twitter and insta

3rd person POV    

The boy ran as fast as his little legs could take him. His breathing was erratic and his sides felt as if small knives were being poked under his ribs. Fatigue probably should have been setting in by now if it weren't for the adrenaline doing laps throughout his veins. His tiny heart raced frantically.

He had to have been 7, maybe a little younger, at the time. A dark, dirty blonde rat nest of hair piled up on his head and piercingly green eyes that held the classic toddler wide-eye wonder at the world expression. But he was smart. Smart enough to figure out the reason his parents didn't want him, and smart enough to survive on the streets he was abandoned on. He could remember that he was from the Munchycraft city state. Even though he didn't know maps at the time, he knew that Munchycraft was really far away from Mineplex. Definitely too far for him to even figure out how to find his way back, much less waddle back with tiny toddler legs and a wooden toy sword.

So, like the toddler he still was, the boy made friends here, where his parents had dropped him off.

The boy turned the corner (almost fell) and started weaving his way through the Mineplex market place. Until suddenly something rammed into him and sent him sprawling.

"Tag!" A small voice declared triumphantly as another boy around the same age with raven black hair, dark brown eyes with a mischievous glint in them, and an olive complexion pushed himself off of his friend, "You're it!"

The small blonde exhaled harshly and laughed a bright and happy wheeze, "Sapnap, I'm tired though."

The other boy, Sapnap, scoffed, helping the dirty blonde up off the ground, "You only say that 'cause you lost."

People around the market did their best to ignore the two 4 year olds with advanced speech and motor abilities.

The first boy glanced around nervously, a habit he has formed over the past few months, taking in his surroundings the best to his small brain's abilities as Sapnap started swinging his fake sword in circles.

A tall blonde adult with dark wings seemed to be leaving the market in a rush, but other than that the area seemed relatively safe for the little enhanced boy.

Oh yea, he was enhanced. You probably couldn't tell in the sunny afternoon, but the pupils in his eyes reflected light almost like those of a mountain lion or a wolf. He still had his baby teeth but eight of them were toothpick thin sharp baby canines that would probably grow back as teeth designed for tearing at flesh. If he wanted to, or if he was angry, his throat could resonate a growl that was sure to get deeper with age. Not to mention incredibly sensitive senses.

He was just glad that Sapnap didn't hate him for it like his parents had.

"Clay! We should sword fight!" Sapnap said happily, reminding Clay of his presence while clumsily attempting to twirl the sword in his chubby hands.

Clay laughed (a high pitched wheeze) as Sapnap playfully lunged at him, half heartedly using his own self made wooden sword to parry.

"Sapnap, I told you." The boy said, adjusting his dirty green hooded coat, "One game of tag and then I need to go find us food."

Sapnap pouted, but didn't start crying like most kids his age probably would. The small little ravenette may not be on the streets for the same reason as his best friend Clay was, but he still knew the ropes and how to not act while trying to survive in the largest city state. He wasn't enhanced, and when Clay had asked why he was also living with him on the streets, Sapnap refused a straight answer. Avoiding all topics involving family or permanent homes. He would start talking loudly about random topics whenever Clay brought it up, trying to change the subject to something a bit more lighthearted.

In the Beginning... [DreamSMP/SMPEarth book adaptation]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon