Leaving Home

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Kokichi POV

It has been just days since I escaped that hellhole which they called "home". If thats what they call home, Id not rather to have one! That place just has violence, screams and tears. So I packed my stuff and decided to leave. They wouldn't care anyways.

Its winter. And our house is like at a fucking mountain. Just because it was the cheapest option. Can you imagine the problems while going to school?? I mean, If I could go to school, It would be so hard.

But, I did manage to get some education in my ways so, I know how to write and read. Unlike my sister who is the beloved kid of our family. While I was being looked as the mistake

So Im going to live on my own-

3rd Person POV

As The purple haired male continued walking the more he felt like getting lost. But he was determined so he continued to walk, getting into thoughts. He actually got into those thoughts too much that he didn't noticed he was walking on ice. He fell, which did hurt a bit and then heard a crack

"Oh shit"

He was like at the center of the lake he didn't knew the depth of, he did the best he could do and lied on the ice, because of the blizzard he couldn't see, he didn't knew where to go. Being hopeless, he kept lying on the ice, hoping the blizzard would stop, also for him to not freeze to death. He hugged his knees, and then closed his eyes.

"Hey, you okay? Hello?"

Kokichi felt a kind of poking on his shoulder. And then sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. There was a blanket around him yet he was still outside. But saved from the lake. He hugged the blanket this time and then looked at the person who woke him up and saved him.

It was a blue boy, which looked like he was just about from ice. Despite his icy look he gave a warm smile

Kokichi studied him for a couple of seconds before talking
"Am I dead? Are you the snow angel which came to take me to heaven?"

The icy boy look surprised but then blasted out a soft laugher
"Of course not, Im not an angel.And Im pretty sure you arent dead, dont worry" he gave another smile

Kokichi POV

What's happening? Why my heart gets a squishing feel all the sudden? And beating fastly?? The fuck?? Is this boy a magician??

"Okay, then..what what are you? A prince?" I noticed his gold crown, which was floating somehow.

"Oh so you noticed? Yeah, yes I am. A prince of ice kingdom. The Name's Shuichi Saihara, what about you?" He stood up, showing me his hand for me to grab and stand up as well

"O oh Im..Kokichi Ouma." I grabbed his hand and stood up, his hand wasn't as cold as I assumed it would be

"Thats such a cool name! Kokichi, huh?"

My cheeks grew red. He probably didn't knew it and called me with my first name. I wasn't complaining though..

"Do you ice stake?"

"I- what?"

"Dont worry, I can teach you how to, it'll be fun!"

He took my both hands, skates suddenly appearing on his feet and mines he slowly pulled me on the lake

Wait..Lake? That..suddenly cracked???

I started panicking a bit but I noticed his stare at my eyes, which made me blush

"Worried about the lake? Dont worry. I guarantee Its gonna be okay." He gave a soft smile

Why do I trust him this much?

Because of that trust, I nodded and continued but, I never skated before. So of course I knew I was gonna fall, I held his hands tighter

He looked like he got the memo. Andfloated on top of me, grabbing from my arms, making me float a little

"Now, there wont be any fear of falling, right?"

Im pretty sure this boy is putting spells on me I cant s p e a k. So I nodded simply.

And for 1-2 hours, we just skated, which was really fun

Ice Prince of the Ice Kingdom -Saiouma/OumasaiWhere stories live. Discover now