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Kokichi POV

Hours passed. Saihara-chan and I just ice skated. Which was really fun actually. His moves were always elegant and fascinating. He must have ice skated for long. After a while, we decided to rest. I took a sandwich from my bag and noticed Shuichi staring

"Ah, you want some?"

"You..eat that? Thats what your kind eats?"

"Well, its one of the foods we eat"

I split the sandwich to half. Giving one of the parts to Shuichi, and then bit the one I had for myself

He studied the sandwich and then looked at me. I looked back and took a bite from the sandwich. He copied my movements and took a bite from it as well

"This!!!! Is so amazing???" He said with an excited tone and sparkly eyes. And then took another bite

The excited look on his eyes after that surprised me, yet made me happy

"Niishishi!! If you liked that, youd love the other things humans do for eating! But..We're at a mountain and I dont have the other stuff"

I took my maps out, studying them. And Shuichi came closer to me, looking at the map while chewing his sandwich.

I pointed out Paris, with my index finger. "Do you see that? Ive always wanted to go there as a kid! But, Im sure thats not very possible anymore.."

"Pa..ris?" He snatched the map from me

"Hey-" Right when I was abiut to tell that he cant do that, he picked me up in bridal style and I dont know I guess he started running? But with an impressive speed. Light speed. It didn't shake during that, with a couple of blinks I found myself on top of a building, facing eiffel tower

I rubbed my eyes. And then checked again, nothing happened. And then looked at Shuichi. Which responded we with a friendly look. I looked at the tower again and slapped myself, which actually hurt

"H hey? You okay?" Shuichi looked worried as he put me back to the ground

"Oh I just..checked if I was dreaming. Apperantly not."

He tilted his head, giving me a confused look. I put my hand on my chin,thinking deeply. And then a smile appeared on my face

"Shuichi! I can show you the other kinds of human food here!" I checked my bag, I did stole some money from my parents, obviously. And could afford a dinner for two..

So,,Its a date??

I smiled by myself and gkt rid of my thoughts, my eyes searched up for Shuichi, he was looking down from the bulding.

"Kokichi! Look! More of you!"

He looked really happy. Which made me happy.

"I can buy us two dinner, but first, would you like to explore Paris with me? But like, no using powers or anything, normally."

He looked at me empitly, rather confused but he nodded

"Good! Now we get down from this building. Follow me"

He did as I asked. And we got down from the building. It was a simple apartment but when we got out from it, a lot of eyes turned to Shuichi. And then I came to a realization

Shuichi was..very shiny because of his icy look. I started to sweat nervously as a kid walked to us.

"Bonjour!! es-tu un cosplayer?"

I didn't really knew what the kid said but Im pretty sure he asked about us being a cosplayer or something.

"Oui." I responded. Using my little knowledge of french. While Shuichi studied the situation

"Cool!! Puis-je prendre une photo?" The boy pointed his mom who held a phone to take a picture

I understood what he wanted and nodded. The boy smiled and took pictures of us, mostly with Shuichi. After that Im pretty sure he said thank you and left with his mom.

I wish I had a mother like that.

Shuichi must have noticed the sad look on my face, so he have me a hug as I snapped to reality. A bit startled from the hug as my heart started beating faster again

"I saw some humans doing this while looking down from the building. It seemed to make them happy! Did it work on you?"

"Y-yes..thank you" I hesitatingly hugged him back.

After a couple of seconds he broke the hug "So! When will you show me the other kinds of human food?"

I looked around and tapped the shoulder of a man passing by. And then pointing at my wrist, trying to learn the time with hand gestures. He looked at his clock and shoved me his 7 fingers. It must be 7pm then

I gave a smile for thank you and he gave a smile back. Shuichi just watched, Impressed look on his eyes

"Its 7pm. So we can eat something! But, I dont know if Ive got enough money to afford something good."

Shuichi looked at me again and then showed me some diamonds, Surprised, I gave a smile.

"I will look out for the best restaurant!"

Ice Prince of the Ice Kingdom -Saiouma/OumasaiWhere stories live. Discover now