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Kokichi POV

I got into a store to turn the diamons to money, the man there spoke the same language as me as well so I didnt have a hard time communicating. When I laid the diamonds infront of him at first he didn't believe they were real and then looked at me with a shocked expression.

But, the money was too much to be carried by my small bag, so I made Shuichi stay right infront if the man so he doesn't do something, and went to the closest store to buy another bag

Shuichi just glared at him threateningly while the man looked nervous. We had 6 diamons and then I made sure he gave us enough, putting the money in the bag and then handing it to Shuichi. The owner of the store just awkwardly waved after us, still kinda looking a bit scared after the glare

And then I looked at Shuichi, he looked pretty much serious and seemed like he was thinking of something. I suddenly remembered the fact that he was a prince. How right is it for me to take a prince to Paris without permission??

Not so long after He noticed my stare and I immediately looked away, blushing light pink for a reason, he smiled

"Are you worried about something?"

"No..but you did look like it"

He looked at me with no comments for a second before responding

"Me? No I wasnt thinking about something important"

"You're a prince after all. Are you really supposed to be here with me right now?"

He looked away without answering me, to the now going down sun, created a perfect sunset.

"Ah look!"  He gave a bright smile and then held me by my waist

"Hey you didn't answered my que- whOa-"

He ran behind the building, making sure nobody was there to see us. And then jumped high that we landed on top of a building

Okay so hes a marvel character in real life huh.

He started staring at the sunset looking amazed, after looking at his face I looked at the view too. No wonder why he looked so amazed. The sky, the place reminded me of the romance movies my parents sometimes watched and I sneaked in to watch. Without realizing I was playing with my own hands and grinning while looking down

I teleported back to the real world when I felt a tapping on my shoulder, Turned my head to Shuichi to know what he wanted

"Hey werent we gonna eat?"

Oh right I almost forgot about that part-

"Mhm! Noa we gotta go down so I can ask which restaurant here is the best!"

He smiled and nodded. And landed back down slowly. Hesitating at first I grabbed his hand and went to a random restaurant, one of the waiters understood my language and I asked her which place was the best. She reccomend somewhere, telling that the theories said there made the best meals. I thanked her and then left with Shuichi

While I was at my way, I noticed a clothing store, and then turned to Shuichi with a smile and then dragged both of us in the store. I immediately started looking at the clothes I could wear.

Shuichi looked around in confusion at first but then copying my moves, he also started looking

I noticed him do that and smiled

"Is there anything you find nice?"

"Hmm not yet.."

"Wait! I got something you may like!"

I showed him an indigo suit with a blue tie. He studied the clothing and then nodded. So I leaded him to the changing cabins.

"Here! You can get changed and I will wait here."

He didn't went in and kept staring at me

"Huh? Whats wrong? I thought you liked that"

"Oh yeah but, uh..how do I put this on? I was wondering if you could help"

I felt my hands getting sweaty and then I nodded. We both went in and he took his clothes out the easiest looking way Ive ever seen.

Ignore the fact hes changing infront if you Kokichi. It shall not affect you you both are men and Im definety not gay.

When he started taking his pants off I covered my already red face and then looked back at him kind if glad that he did still wear boxers. He tilted his head confused and looked at me innoncently

Yeah, definitely Im the one with the dirty mind

Calmed myself down in short time and started dressing Shuichi like a mom to her kid. Not gonna lie the suit looked pretty good on him

"Is it okay? Did you like it?"

He nodded calmly and gave a soft smile hugging me right after. I smiled and hugged him back. Well of course we ended up buying the indigo suit and the white one I picked for myself

Minding the adress, I figured to find the place of the restaurant. And we just picked a nice seat. When we got the menus Shuichi picked up his chair and put it next to me, litreally pointing every food including tge dessers and wanting me to tell how they tasted like. Bold of him to assume I know that, so I basically lied, just to seem like impressing him with my "knowledge" with food.

Luckily I spotted the best one we could order it contained a little amount of every good in the restaurant. And we ordered that

I didn't like all of the things which came but Shuichi seemed like he didn't mind, so there wasnt any food wasted.

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