Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

My lawyer stepped to the front of the courtroom. She gave me a small smile. "Mr. Myers, would you consider yourself a violent person?"

"Do you have a history of being violent to either other people or animals?"

"Is it true that on the day of the shooting, you were unaware of the sexual abuse you sustained?"


"Even now that you are aware of the abuse you suffered at the hands of Mr. Campbell, would you wish him harm?"


"The defense rests."

I was the last witness to be called by the prosecution. My lawyer brought several other witnesses including a doctor specializing in PTSD, several people from school, and Nicholas.

"Mr. Campbell," my lawyer began. "Are you aware of the abuse my client suffered at the hands of your brother?"

"I am now," he answered. "I never really knew before this week. I had my suspicions, I guess, but Oliver never said anything about it."

"Do you believe that Mr. Myers brought the gun to school to intentionally cause harm to anyone?"

Nicholas hesitated. "I don't think so. I've known him since we were nine, and he's never even hurt a fly."

"Your witness."

The prosecution stepped up to Nicholas. "Mr. Campbell, are you aware that post-traumatic stress disorder has been linked to violence?"

"I guess."

"Is it possible that Mr. Myers could have brought the gun to school with an intent to hurt someone, possibly your brother?"

"I don't know for sure."

"But Mr. Myers's PTSD could lead him to violence?"
"I don't know. It could have."

"The prosecution rests."

My lawyer stood. "I'd like to redirect," she called. "Mr. Campbell, did you know that dissociation is a common symptom of PTSD?"

"I didn't."

"Could Mr. Myers have brought the gun to school in a state of dissociation? Not necessarily wanting to harm someone, but simply bringing it without any intent?"
"He could have."

"You said you've known Mr. Myers since you were both nine years old, correct?"
"Having known him for so long, which would you say is more likely, Mr. Myers bringing the gun with the intent to murder someone, or him bringing the gun in a state of dissociation?"

"I'd say the second one," Nicholas answered. My lawyer started to speak again, but Nicholas interrupted. "I also knew my brother for all of my life, and I never would have thought he would rape Oliver."

My lawyer frowned. "The defense rests."

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