[3] Trans!

70 1 0

Words: 928

Dom/Sub: dom!Virgil, sub!Roman (briefly, but they don't do anything)

TW(s): heated kissing, dysphoria, touching above the waist

AU(s): human, trans!Virgil, ace!Roman

Notes: None, really. Enjoy, I guess.

Virgil leaned up against his date. Roman's couch was rather comfortable, and as the credits rolled, Virgil felt himself wanting to be as close to him as possible.

"Did you like the movie?" Roman asked, one hand in Virgil's hair, stroking it and making Virgil's eyes close blissfully.

"Definitely," Virgil agreed. "And... I had a lot of fun with you today."

Virgil heard Roman let out a breath. "Me too."

"Can I kiss you?" Virgil asked.

"Sure," Roman said.

Virgil sat up and climbed into Roman's lap, straddling his hips and brushing his lips against the other man's. Roman pulled him closer by the waist and Virgil happily complied, pushing their lips together with more force.

It didn't take long for the kiss to escalate until Virgil was lying on top of Roman, hands sliding around underneath his shirt. Roman just kissed Virgil harder, hands pressed against either side of his face.

Then reality came crashing down around Virgil and he pulled away, rolling off of Roman's beautiful body. "I—um, I can't do this. I'm so sorry."

Roman sat up. "No, don't worry about it. I'm ace anyways."

Virgil looked at Roman, surprise and a bit of anger evident on his face. "Were you not going to say anything, and just let me fuck you even if you weren't comfortable?"

"No!" Roman held up his hands. "I'm sex-positive. I just don't feel sexual attraction or have a sex drive. So... I wouldn't have minded if you had fucked me, but I don't need you to."

"That sentence sounds so weird," Virgil mumbled. "But... thanks. I can't because I'm trans."

Roman frowned. "Why does that mean you can't have sex?"

Virgil bit his lip and gestured to himself. "Well, if you're gay, I'm pretty sure you're not into boobs."

Roman kissed Virgil's forehead. "I'm pan, actually. So I wouldn't mind. But even if I weren't, I'd do it if it made you happy, you know."

"Really?" Virgil asked quietly.

"Yep," Roman said, pulling Virgil close by the shoulders and leaning his head on top of the other man's.

They just sat there for a bit, happy to be in each other's presence. Then Roman broke the silence. "Wait. You said you have boobs?"

Virgil frowned. "Yes?"

"How long have you been wearing a binder for today?"

Virgil shrunk in on himself. "I tried to take it off! I swear! But I got so dysphoric—"

Roman pulled away and put his hands on Virgil's shoulders. He looked into Virgil's eyes carefully. "Virgil. How long?"

Virgil thought back to that morning. "Um... 14 hours, if it's 11 o'clock now?"

"Alright, you're taking it off, now," Roman told him.


"Nope, I insist."

Virgil hid his face in his hands. "Fine." He slowly pulled them away and took his shirt off before undoing the binder and pulling it off. Seeing his breasts already had dysphoria settling in. "Happy now?"

"It's not about whether I'm happy, it's about whether you're safe," Roman stated.

Virgil wiped his eyes before any tears could form.

"Hey, are you okay?" Roman asked, voice soft.

Virgil sniffed. "Just.... A lot of feelings."

"Do you want to talk about them?"

"N-not really." Virgil let out a quiet sob at the fact that Roman cared. He hardly even knew the guy, and he cared. Virgil had never had that before.

Roman reached out to touch Virgil but stopped just shy of his face. "Is it okay if I touch you?"

Virgil gave a small nod.

Roman closed the gap and caressed Virgil's face. Virgil leaned into the touch, knowing it made him look clingy but not caring. Then Roman pulled him into a big bear hug. "Focus on me, not you," he instructed. "Can you feel my arms around you?"


"Am I warm?"


"Focus on my warmth."

Virgil did so, focusing on the tingly feeling where Roman's arms were wrapped around him and the warmth he brought.

"I'm c-cold," he chattered.

"Oops, I bet you are, without your shirt and everything," Roman said, pulling away a bit but keeping one arm around Virgil's shoulders. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Virgil's and his shoulders. Then he leaned back towards the corner of the couch, pulling Virgil along with him. Virgil adjusted so he was in Roman's lap, back to Roman's stomach, and closed his eyes.

"Better?" Roman asked.


"Can I touch your chest?"

Virgil thought about it. "We can try it."

"If you get too dysphoric, I'll stop, I promise," Roman murmured. His hand reached around Virgil's body to his breasts and gently traced his fingernails across them. He drew circles and shapes of all sizes. Virgil recognized a couple hearts being drawn and smiled softly, leaning into Roman more.

"This is kind of nice," Virgil said.

"Good, because you're wonderful and your body is perfect," Roman told him. "You're a man no matter your chest size."

Virgil scoffed inwardly at the familiar words. He supposed it was the dysphoria talking, but he wasn't sure he believed them.

"I know you're thinking you're not right now," Roman told him. "And I get that. But you are. Dysphoria doesn't change that. And I think your body and pronouns and name are perfect, no matter what the dysphoria says. Your boobs are perfect and don't make me think of you as less of a man."

Virgil wiped his eyes, focusing on the little shapes being drawn on him once more. "Thanks," he said quietly.

Roman kissed his hair. "Of course."


Okay, I've gotten all my ideas that I already had out, so expect very infrequent updates from now on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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