Ch 5. Fireflies

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I was out with Scott, Derek and someone named Isaac. We were looking for two rabid werewolf's. Cora, I thought was dead. Boyd, who was turned by Derek a wile back. Scott was on the phone with stiles talking about a dead body, I was walking up to Derek.

"So... how are you?" I asked.

"... do I know you? It's just- you look so familiar." He said. He haven't seen me since I was like a baby so I don't know how I look familiar.

"Yeah you knew my mom. I'm Aubrette. I'm Cara's daughter." I said and he looked surprised. He took a step back for a moment the engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.

"We're is Cara?" He asked exited. I looked at him with sad eyes. "Oh..." he said quietly. He hugged me again. Scott and Isaac noticed him hugging me this time, "What's going on here?" Isaac asked narrowing his eyes at us, mostly Derek.

"I was really good friend with her mom." Derek said in a duh tone. "I can't hug my best friends daughter?" He asked annoyed.

Scott walked over and grabbed my arm pulling me to the side. "How did your mom know Derek?" Scott asked in a hushed tone. I knew they could still hear us. They didn't even try to hide the fact that they- both- were listening. I look back at Derek and his eyes go wide and he turns around. My mom appeared.

She giggled, "tell him that me and Derek used to date. After page."

Who was page? Scott noticed me looking behind him with a curious expression. "What?" He said quickly turning around behind him. "Nothing! Nothing." I said.

I turned to Derek. "Is she here?" He asked. My eyes went wide. "H-how did you know I could... see her." I asked. Scott and Isaac looked at each other clueless to the situation.

"I knew about her... she knew about me." He said looking at the ground. "I still don't know how you know each other." Scott butted in.

I glanced at Derek and he nodded slightly. "My mom and him... dated... in HighSchool. She said after page, whoever that is." I said shrugging. My brother looked at me and asked, "What do you mean. Like, what was she? Werewolf?"

"No, no she was-" I cut Derek off. "She could talk to the dead. So can I." I said quickly. I looked back at Derek and he nodded understanding I wanted to keep it a secret.


"This doesn't make any sense," Derek started, "public pool is on the other side of town, we haven't tracked them there." He finished. Me personally, I didn't think it was them. There was to much lack of werewolf in the kill if that makes any sense. The victim's throat was cut, and he was strangled. There was a bash to the back of the head, any of the injuries could have been cause of death.

My mom was a nurse.

"Derek they killed someone!" Scott said rather loud.

"How are they moving so fast-" Derek was cut off by Scott. "Derek." Derek continued, "They can't be that fast on foot!" He yelled.

"Derek they killed someone! A totally innocent kid, dead." Scott said yelled. And he had no idea how innocent he really was.

Derek just stared at him.

Wile they were bickering I turned and walked over to Isaac. "So..." I stated awkwardly. He just looked down on me. I was short, very short. In comparison I was about right below his chest. "Remind me, how do you know Derek?" He asked me.

"Well my mom dated him in HighSchool." I said. "I met him after I was born. My dad left is for a wile so Derek let us stay in an apartment with him before he moved here. I grew up with him sort of like another dad."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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