The Kiss. (Chapter 10)

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I stood looking at the double doors. Wanting to turn and say something Else to Sesshomaru.

"Shea, not here. Just do as your told." Shanglee said in a whisper.

I took a deep breath and took a hold of the door handle and jerked it open.

"This mi'lord is far from being over." I said looking at him.

"Oh I'd say not." He said back with an evil grin on his lips.

"Good." I said as I held my head high and bowing to Lord Inu-no-Taishou before slamming the door behind me.

"Child that temper will do nothing but get you killed, you have no idea who your Lord is." Shanglee said.

"Shanglee it wouldn't be so bad if I could leave outside these gates. I hate to be cooped up day in and day out." But no he lets the whore who wants him leave." I said as we walked up the stairs after I took off my shoes and went barefooted.

"Child, you don't mean that. I have witnessed the way you look at Lord Sesshomaru. You forget that I am human as well. Shea you are at the best place you could be. At least you won't be used as a whore here. Kim on the other hand will be used for everything to the wolf demon." Shanglee said as she opened the door to my sitting room.

"I didn't want that for her, I just wanted her to know I'm no better than her. And I don't want what she wants." I said not finishing what I wanted to say.

Shanglee sat with me and poured us another glass or two of wine.

Starting to get tipsy and happy.

Not long after, the door opened and Sesshomaru stepped in the room.

"Leave Shanglee." Sesshomaru ordered as he starred daggers in me.

Shanglee looked down at me.

"Go, I'll be ok." I said seeing double.

"Wouldn't be so sure if I were you." Sesshomaru said.

Shanglee left the room. I stood up and finished my glass of wine. Too bad they didn't have Jack Daniels back then.

"You'd rather kill me then set me free, is that it mi'lord." I said looking at him.

"If you have any words to explain about your actions say them now." Sesshomaru ordered.

"What actions mi'lord to you talk of?" You are no better than a prison guard. You could still own me, but let me outside these gates. I have proved  myself, that I would not run. Or could it be, mi'lord how I have talked to you or is it how I am dressed?" I have done nothing wrong." I said pacing back and forth the best I could without stumbling over my own two left feet I get when I'm drunk.

"You were looked apon as my whore the way you are dressed. I, Sesshomaru wouldn't fall for a human like others have in that desprate need." Sesshomaru said.

"No, I was dressed as a proud human. One that wanted the other guests to see how well one could be treated under your ruling. My name isn't Kim. I don't have a need to have you bed me. So where does that make me a whore at, or is it the way you and you alone see me?" I said right before I was held up against the wall by my throat face to face to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru tightened his grip.

"I----Have heard enough!!!" Sesshomaru said as he showed me his fangs.

Tears ran down my face I was so mad. When I cry when I'm mad, you better watch out.

"No, mi'lord you haven't heard enough." I choked my words out in a choked whisper.

"It's you that saw me as the whore, not your male guests. If it's a whore you want then it's a whore you will get." I said as I lighting fast wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him against me before I did the unthinkable. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in and kissed him forcefully.

Next thing I knew I found myself on the ground where he threw me.

"I am nothing like my father. And if you treasure your life you won't try that again." Sesshomaru said as he started to leave my room.

"No your nothing like your father, your weak and pathetic. Now maybe you will let me leave like Kim since I did worse than she did, I came onto you." I said.

"No you will never leave here. Ever!. I will break you, or kill you trying." Sesshomaru said as he slammed my door.

" I'm sorry. I can't take my actions back." I whispered with my back against the door he just closed.

Outside the door, Sesshomaru stood looking at the spot where he Knew the girl stood at.

Took the tip of his tongue and tasted his bitten lip and tasted his blood and her wine kiss mix. He heated up a few degrees as he let go of the door handle as he left to go back downstairs.

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