Morning After: Hangover. (Chapter 11)

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Thunder clapping woke me up. Shanglee opening the curtains to let in the grey day's light.
"Child you went to bed in your gown, you must have been out of it after I left last night." Shanglee said taking the covers off my head.

I covered my eyes with my arm, my head pounded.

"Yeah, just a bit. Where can one find Lord Sesshomaru at this day and time?" I asked peeking out at her with one eye.
"Not in the best of moods is where you will find him. Try his study." My Lords on high, what happened to your neck?" Shanglee asked.

"Nothing that I couldn't handle." Will you see that Rin eats?" I asked getting up and not bothering to run a brush through my hair.
Jaken was standing at the double doors to Lord Sesshomaru's study.

"Is he in there?" I asked.
"Yes, but I think you best let him be." Jaken said as he moved to the middle of the doors.
"Jaken don't, not this morning. Now I'm going in there." I said as I opened the door with Jaken holding on to the door with his life.

"Go Jaken." Sesshomaru ordered without turning his chair around to see who it was.

"But mi'lord------.Jaken said being cut off.
"Jaken." Sesshomaru repeated.
I watched Jaken close the door behind him, leaving me alone with Sesshomaru.

" Is she still here?" I asked without making a move.
" Is who still here?" Sesshomaru asked as he stood up and looked at me.
"Don't play stupid with me, you know who I talk about. Kim." I said.

"She is still here, but leaves tomorrow."Sesshomaru said.

"Then don't send her away, none of this was her fault." I said in pleading for another girl's life.
"I do as I please. I could have killed you for what you did last night." Sesshomaru said.

"Oh, enlighten me mi'lord. I was under the influence of wine and I can't quite remember anything since the dinner." I said remembering everything, even the part of him between my legs. I cocked a half assed grin.

"Maybe we should repeat last night, then you will remember." Sesshomaru said.

"Wait, I believe it is all coming back to me. So your saying you would repeat the kiss, or maybe the part where I wrapped my legs around you. Or the part where you believe your guest think of me as your whore." No I believe I remember all of it, you didn't enjoy it mi'lord." I said side stepping as he stepped toward me.

"You don't have to answer that, but I will. I enjoyed every minute of last night. I had never willingly kissed a man before you, but then I guess it does something to a girl's pride when she is called a Whore." I said as I stood my ground facing the one man that could kill me.

"Are you finished, everything you say is tedious. The girl leaves tomorrow and you may go back to caring for Rin." Sesshomaru ordered.

"As you wish mi'lord." I said heading for the door, but turned back to him.
"What no good-bye kiss?" I do think your more handsome when your angry. At least think about letting me leave here." I said getting a rise out of him.

"Don't make me lock you in your room." Sesshomaru ordered.
I guess that means no." Alright then." I said as I opened the door and Jaken had his ear to it.

"Get a life Jaken, your lord is still living and is still a virgin, go see for yourself." I said leaving the door open and heading upstairs, but noticed all of the palace staff standing around to see what was going on.

In my room Shanglee was making my bed.

"Can you go get Kim for me, I'd like to see her in private." I asked Shanglee.
"Please no fighting or I can get in trouble for this." Shanglee said.

(Back to Sesshomaru)

Jaken closed the door back leaving Sesshomaru alone.

Sesshomaru touched his bottom lip where Shea bit him last night. Tingled, but in a good way.
The girl is up to something but what, she has learned to block him from reading her thoughts after the last reading.
I must go with Father tomorrow to choose his best fighters, I will leave Jaken here to see Kim off and to watch after Rin and Shea.

A virgin, me Sesshomaru. Never had a human, never wanted one. None the less far from being a virgin. I never thought the girl as a whore, for one she had never been touched, she is pure and untainted. But I won't be the one, I could never fall in that desperate situation.

(Back to Shea)

I sat at my desk in my sitting room when Kim came in.
I told her of my plan, and she knew of some of the staff that would go along with it. We then parted on friendly terms.

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