Happy Birthday, Shea. (Chapter 16)

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It is now a 3months later.

Calm, is what the fall season has brought to the palace of Lord Sesshomaru.
(Calm Before the Storm) Is more like it.

Still no ill feelings toward Kim, though words are not exchanged between the two of us.
And yes Lord Sesshomaru is still here, I still have not bucked him since the night he bloodied my lip.

But then I try my damnedest to stay clear of him. Yet that claims to have it's disadvantages, mostly at night as I lay thinking of him in the oddest of ways.

Today is my 21'st birthday. Yet only as select few know it, and no Lord Sesshomaru is not one of them. But then I have been wrong about what he knows and don't.

"Come wake up, it seems that the god's have favored you today." Shanglee said as she opened the curtains to let the fall morning sun pour into my face.
Squinted my eyes closed to the brightness as I licked my dry lips that I acquired during sleep. The tip of my tongue traced the small unnoticed scar that I got from Sesshomaru.

Even he notices it at times and must look away.
Just another notch from one of my masters.

"Shanglee must you, and what god's do you babble about?" I asked as I covered my eyes with my arm.

"You get to leave the gates and have time for yourself today. Thought you must return before dusk. I will be joining you, that is if you don't mind."Shanglee said as I sprung from my bed like it was Christmas day and I hit the jackpot of gifts.

"You wouldn't lie to me would you Shanglee?" I asked.
By all means join me please." I said as I washed the night sleep from my face, as she laid out a warmer but not too warm of a kimono.

I know it had to be Lord Sesshomaru to give permission for me to leave the gates, even for the day.

"You've been with me for three months now and you know I wouldn't lie. So what would the birthday girl like to do today." Shanglee asked as I got dressed and put my hair up in a tight ponytail.

"Horseback riding with a picnic by the creek up the mountain." I said knowing Lord Sesshomaru owns some of the best pure bred horses for his men.
But then Ah-Un came to mind. Ah-Un being a prisoner in his own pin out in the stables.

"You take a horse, I'll see if I can take Ah-Un." I said as Shanglee's eyes went wide.
"I can get the horses, but as for the Lord's dragon, you will have to ask him yourself." Shanglee said.

"Fine I'll do that. And yes I will be nice about it." I said going for my bedroom door.
"You will find him in his study." Shanglee said as she started to make my bed.
"I'll meet you outside." I said as I shut the door.

No matter how quiet I am before knocking on the study door, Lord Sesshomaru always says for me to enter before I have the chance to knock.

"You're not gone yet?" Sesshomaru asked as he looked at me from his papers.
"Uh, yes. About that. I have came to ask if I may take Ah-Un instead of a horse for myself.
"Ah-Un, why if I so boldly ask?" Sesshomaru asked as he laid his inked pin aside and gave me his full attention.

"Do you have to ask. I mean to say, to let him have a little freedom as well today." I said bitting my words back.
Sesshomaru gaze never left my bottom lip I sucked in to not let it be what he focuses on.

He took a deep breath.

"Take him. But I am sure Shanglee has told you to return before dusk." Sesshomaru said.
"Thank you, mi'lord. And yes she told me, she will be coming with me today." I said before leaving.
Ah-Un was just happy to be out of the stall. I felt sorry for the one ton beast.

********(Back at the palace)*******

"Mi'Lord is everything alright?" Jaken asked as he sat in the floor at his master's feet as Sesshomaru paced the floor.

"Something doesn't feel quite right." Sesshomaru said almost talking to himself instead of his imp.
"It can't be the girl, she has Ah-Un as protection." Jaken said still a bit uptight about his Lord allowing the human girl take Ah-Un.

"No, I don't know what the feeling is. Regardless Jaken, stay on your best guard." Sesshomaru ordered as he left the room to look over his palace.

********(Back to Shea)********

There are just not enough hours in a fall day. I thought as I helped Shanglee pack up as the sun fell fast.
I though will keep my promise to Lord Sesshomaru.

"Ah-Un, come. We better be getting back." I said as Ah-Un grunted his protest.
"Yeah I know. But if I can be trusted again, maybe we will be able to do this again." I said mounting Ah-Un as Shanglee got on the horse.

*********(Back To the Palace)*******

Shanglee and I both dismounted our beasts.

The palace was in an uproar. Looking for Rin.
Even Kim was looking for Rin

"You know this is all because of you." Kim said looking at me.

"Me, But I wasn't even here." Where is Lord Sesshomaru?" I asked.
"Outside looking for Rin." One of the butlers said.

Went out to find Lord Sesshomaru and find out what the problem is.
(Happy Birthday Shea). Even then she gets no break.

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