Chapter One

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Stepping up the rickety porch, I take a closer look at the For Rent sign and dial the number listed.


"Hi. I'm calling about the cabin you have for rent, the one out on Beaumont Rockport. Is it still available?"

"Yes, ma'am. It sure is. Needs a little fixing up if you can manage that."

"Great. How much to rent?"

"Four hundred a month. You have a decent kitchen, a living room, a full bath, and a bedroom."

"Perfect. I'll take it."

"I'll be by in about ten minutes with the key."

"I'll wait here then."

True to his estimates, he stands in front of me with a shit grin until his eyes met mine. His grin falls quick. No surprise there. My face is all kinds of fucked up from the war I just got back from. Baxter, my dog sits perfectly still at my side.

The man holds the key out to me, an arms' length away. "Here ya go. Rent's due the first of every month."

I take the key. "My name is Sienna."

I hold out my hand, and do the best I can to smile.

"Richard. You can call me Richie; everyone 'round here does."

"Nice to meet you."

As I turn to put the key in the knob, he says, "See ya around," and waves as he steps back.

The war beat me eight ways to Sunday. The fewer mirrors I run into the better. Even I don't want to see my face. One cheek is completely scarred up and I'm blind in one eye, causing me to wear an eye patch most days. I swallow a hard lump while thinking about it. My body took the same beating; I'm burned up a good portion of my left side. It's not something you would notice right off the bat. However, my face is unmistakable. Look up Ugly in the dictionary and you'll probably find my picture. It's the cold hard truth. War fucked me up.

Once inside the cabin, I can see it is very basic. Upon entering, I'm in the living room, and the kitchen is straight across, almost one giant room, because there are no walls splitting the two. Off to the left is the bathroom, and then the bedroom next to that. Very basic. It definitely needs a sprucing up. Maybe replace some of the floor boards; they feel loose. And the deck could use a fresh coat of stain and then the place will be nice.

I set my bag down on the hardwood floor, causing dust to fly up. Ugh. This is going to require me to go to a hardware store. Meaning I have to venture out in public. I groan loudly. My eye patch sticks out like a sore thumb, let alone my scarred face. It's not like makeup can just cover it up, because it can't. I've tried. But I have no choice but to make the trip.

Sighing once more, and Baxter trailing along, we hop in my red jeep. I'd never think about undoing the windows. That is too risky. Might as well apply for a job while I'm out, though because I'll definitely need the money. I saw a local bar on the way to the cabin earlier. If I can get into the kitchen to work, maybe I can stay under the radar.

Pinkie's Bar is a mere half mile from where I live. I can walk if I am feeling really adventurous. Unfortunately, going through the front door is my only option to gain entry for an application. I turn to Bax and order him to stay put and open a window for him since I'll only be out a few minutes.

Taking a deep breath, I step inside Pinkie's, and it's fairly empty. Thank god.

Spotting the bartender, I walk up to the bar. "Hi. I was wondering if you're hiring here. Perhaps for the kitchen."

"I'll go get the boss," she says disappearing into the back.

A heavyset man appears, a white apron tied around his waist as he wipes his hands on a dish towel. "You looking for work?"

I nod. "Yes, sir. I'm real good in the kitchen, if you could use the help. I could use the money."

"Can you start tomorrow at three p.m? It's a busy night. Think you can keep up?"

"Yes, sir."

"Great. Come in at two and I'll have you fill out some paperwork then you can start your shift."

"Thank you so much."

He disappears into the back without another word. That seemed easy enough. Walking out the door, I bump into a hard body. My eyes are at the level of his hard chest. I swallow hard and look up.

"I'm so sorry. Excuse me."

"No worries, beautiful." He flashes a blinding white grin and goes about his way inside. I look back and catch him looking at me, grinning. Then he winks.

Well, I'm certain he needs his eyes checked for calling me beautiful. His skin is the color of milk chocolate and he's quite good looking. With a grin like that he's probably a total player. I can tell just by our interaction. He is beautiful though.

Sienna, no man is gonna want you. Get him out of your mind. A guy like him probably has a waiting list of ladies in line.

Shaking my head, I head back to my jeep and get on the road for the hardware store.


The first day of work isn't so bad. At five, Nico the boss, tells me to take a break. Now, I'm sitting on the stoop when a young man comes outside. He's the same one I had run into the previous day. We didn't have a chance to chat since Nico was training me. But that face is hard to forget.

His eyes meet mine and he says "Hey, beautiful."

My stomach churns at the mention of being called beautiful. "Please don't call me that." I hold my hand out. "Just call me Sienna. Sienna Daniels."

He shakes my hand and smiles. "I'm Drake Harmon."

Even though I know he saw it, he's sitting on the side where my scar on my face is hard to see. I decided to forgo the eye patch because it really doesn't make a huge difference.

"It's nice to meet you, Sienna Daniels."

He smiles. His brown eyes twinkle in the sun light. I want to reach over and touch his dark skin. But I resist. Instead I admire his beauty; the flawlessness of his face. But I was marred. My face, once flawless now had scars. My body once lured men. Now, I could never show it.

Drake picks up a pebble and tosses it. "Tell me, Sienna. What are you doing in a place like this? In the kitchen, no less."

Is that a joke? Has he seen my face? I answer him, anyway. "So no one notices me. I don't want to be seen."

He stands, brushing the dust off his work pants, and he looks down at me. "I see you, Sienna Daniels." He takes his smirk inside, leaving me dumbfounded.

I don't want to be seen...especially not by Drake Harmon. Break is almost over, and I huff as I dust myself off and head back to work. If I wasn't such damaged goods, maybe I would give him a shot. But he is far too beautiful, even for me.

Taking my apron off, my hair net follows. Clocking out, I start to head home when Drake stops me.

"Can I walk you home?"

I continue to walk, but turn to face him. "I'll be fine. See you tomorrow, Drake." I wave and turn back around.

Home is literally a hop, skip, and a jump away. Enjoying the walk, I revel in the solitude. Most days, I prefer it that way.

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