Chapter Six

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It's finally Thursday. My day off. I try to stay busy by picking out my outfit. I read a little bit and take Baxter outside for a short walk. The weather is brisk. But I can't shake the nervousness that swirls in my belly. Going out in public does freak me out a little bit.

After a nap, I decide to shower since I was too tired to take one last night. Once I'm all clean, I step out and dry off then wrap my hair in the towel while I dress. I decide on a pair of light colored jeans that aren't baggy, and they hug all my curves. They feel foreign on me, compared to the baggy ones I usually wear. I wrangle a bra on, and then think maybe I should call this whole thing off. It's a bad idea.

I fall back on my bed and sigh. Baxter comes over licking my face. Finally, I move from the bed and pull on the red fitted tee I had picked out earlier. My stomach twists in knots as I hold it up. Pulling it over my head, it's also another piece I'm not used to wearing. Normally my shirts are like two sizes too big.

When I look in the mirror, I don't see myself. The reflection shows a skinny girl, with fitted clothes on, but she's still the same scarred girl from before. Yanking the towel from my head, I don't know what to do with my hair except to blow dry it and let it hang loose.

I try to give myself a pep talk. This is what normal people do. They go out with their friends, and they have a great time. But I'm far from normal. What the hell is wrong with me?

Finally accepting my outfit, I pull on a pair of cowboy boots to finish off the look. A knock on the door causes Baxter to yelp. Seeing Drake through the peephole, I let him inside.

His eyes bug out. "Wait. Where and what have you done with Sienna Daniels?" He smiles so wide I think he cheeks will crack.

"I can go change."

He grabs my elbow as I turn. "No. I meant that in the best way possible. You look...good. Don't change."

"Okay. But don't get used to this," I tell him about my attire. "Anyway, you look nice."

He is wearing dark jeans that hang just right, and a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms.

"You didn't eat, did you?"

"I didn't."

"Good. We'll get something on the way," he mentions.

I grab my small cross-body purse and pull it over so it's across my torso. Everything in me screams that this is a date. I mean I'm dressed in normal clothes and Drake looks so nice and he smells vanilla and wood pine mixed.

"Here." I toss the jeep keys to him. "Since you know where we're going, you might as well drive."

He catches the keys, and I slide into the passenger seat. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see. I'm afraid if I tell you, you'll make me turn around." He flashes his toothy grin.

"Oh god. I'm nervous."

"Well, first we are going to eat," he states as he turns the radio to a country music station.

I look at him in surprise. "You like country music?"

"What? You think because I'm black that I listen rap or something," he teases.

"No. It's just surprising. You have to admit not a lot of blacks listen to country. But then again, what do I know?"

He nods. "True. But look at Darius Rucker, who is black and a country singer. Yeah. I like country. But I like a little bit of everything."

God. I feel like an ass. A judgy one at that. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't mean anything by it." I press a hand to my heart. "I happen to love country music."

"You didn't offend me. I was just teasing you. It's all good."

Drake pulls into a crowded parking lot. People are scattered all around. "You brought me to a bar called Joe's Junkyard."

He chuckles. "Do you trust me?"

"The jury is still out on that," I tell him jokingly.

"Fair enough. But I promise the food is phenomenal. Come on."

He ushers us with a hand on the small of my back. He pulls the door open and allows me in first. Music is playing as we enter and a hostess seats us in a booth and places menus in front of us.

Drake leans over the table. "There's a live band that plays here every week."

I do my best to avoid eye contact with the waitress as she takes our drink order. Then we order our food crab cakes for me and salmon for Drake. I'm not really into seafood much, but Joe's Junkyard's menu promises fresh crab cakes and I can't pass it up, because I do like that.

Bobbing my head, I watch the band play. Looking to Drake, I notice him staring at me. "What?"

"Nothing. I just like watching you. You intrigue, me Sienna Daniels."

My only response is to smile at him, because noone is staring at me or pointing fingers my way. I actually feel normal foronce.

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