Chapter Five

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Drake and I work side by side for the whole shift. He started making funny faces at me just to get me to laugh. And it worked.

Around eleven p.m., I clock out and start to walk home. Drake appears next to me. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm walking your ass home. Don't even argue with me about it. I know you are independent and can take care of yourself. But I just want to make sure you get home safe."

"Well, I don't feel like arguing, anyway."

Besides, I feel slightly guilty for being bitchy earlier. We reach my cabin, and I step onto the porch and look down at him. "Can we just forget about today? I'm sorry for being an asshole."

"It's forgotten. See you tomorrow, Sienna."


It's finally Wednesday, and I'm looking forward to having lunch with Drake and his mom Veronica. I like being around him, and most of the time, I forget about my scars. That thought scares me, but also excites me in a strange way.

I wake earlier than normal so I can straighten up and get clothes washed before leaving. Then I head for the shower. So far, it's seems like a good day. I haven't had a nightmare in two days.

With Baxter in tow, I drive the jeep to Drake's house. I arrive within minutes, and Baxter seems to enjoy the ride. Drake's house is very southern and grand. Approaching the door, I knock with Baxter in my arms.

Drake swings the door open. "Right on time."

"Hey." I set Baxter down, and he refuses to leave my side.

I step inside.

"How are you today?" Drake asks in the foyer.

I smile. "Today's a good day."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that."

I follow him into the kitchen. "Ma, Sienna is here."

She approaches me, reaching up, she touches my face.

"Mom is blind," Drake mentions.

"I'm Veronica, dear. Nice to meet you, Sienna."

As much as I don't like my face being touched, I understood that's probably how she connects with people.

"Nice to meet you, too."

He pulls out a chair from the table. "You can sit over here."

"It's just about ready," Veronica says.

"Thanks for having me over," I tell her, but look at Drake since her back is turned.

"Well, I hope you eat meat, because I made Drake's favorite friend chicken and macaroni salad."

"I do. And that sounds delicious. I can't go without meat."

"Good. My boy likes a girl that eats."

I blush.

"Ma! What did I say?"

Veronica flicks Drake's shoulder. "I know. I'm just messin'."

Drake shakes his head at her. "Can I get you something to drink, Sienna?" Drake asks.

"Sure. Whatever you have is fine."

Drake pours me a glass of tea, as well as one for himself, while Veronica sets the plates of food in front of us. She sits at the head of the table, and Drake is directly in across from me.

"So it's just you two, huh?" I say.

"Just me and my boy. How long were you in the service, dear?"

"I did two tours. I went right in after high school. The war was rough."

"I bet. Especially for a woman such as yourself."

I take a bite of chicken. "This chicken is very good," I state, trying to change the subject. "And I really appreciate your generosity. Obviously, Drake takes after you."

The rest of the conversation flows. Thankfully, I don't have to get too personal. The past is still rough for me to talk about to other people. Trusting them is an even bigger issue.

"Thank you so much for lunch, Veronica." I wipe the grease from my mouth. "We probably should get to work."

"Yeah. We should go," Drake answers.

"I'll go grab Bax."

Veronica stops me. "You can leave him here until after your shift if you like."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's not a bother."

"Great. Thanks again for having me over." I bend down to hug her.

She pats my back. "You're welcome here anytime. I mean it."

I realize Drake and his mom are the closest thing to family I have. It feels nice. I won't let my guard down just yet, but I'm thankful for them.

Drake and I load into the jeep. The drive to work is short, but we remain seated when I pull up. I turn to him. "Thank you."

He smiles. "For what?"

"Just being a good person. I know I'm not easy to get to know. But I'm trying."

"No need to thank me. I hope, one day, you can trust me. And I'm just being me. I'm not into the games that people play. I don't have any motives other than to be your friend, Sienna. That's the truth. I don't mess with people's emotions. And I expect the same in return."

I nod. "Of course."

"So are you ready for tomorrow? We'll have fun. I promise."

"Yeah. I am actually. We should go inside; almost time to clock in. I'll drive you home later so I can get Baxter."


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