Assassin - Analogical ~ Fluff/Angst

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TW - Cussing, GAY, past suicide attempt mentions past-self-harm mentions, past-abuse, past abuse mentions, killing mentioning, attempted assassination, past assassination, starvation, implications of stuuuuuuuuuuf

* Also this shit's gonna have soul mate, so IDK *

Virgil sat in the dark, barely conscience. He'd sat in this same spot for days. He shivered, his sweater torn, but he still pulled it closer, hoping for some sort of comfort, needing something to make the pain lessen. A particularly intense surge of pain tore through him from his stomach, making him groan quietly. 

A sudden streak of light cut through the pitch black cement cell that Virgil sat on the floor of. He looked up quickly, or as quick as his failing health allowed. His eyes filled with tears and he tried to get up, eventually resorting to crawling to the figure silhouetted in the door way's rectangle of light.

" Hello, little one, have you learned your lesson ?" a sickeningly sweet voice emitted from the person as it squatted in front of  the quivering Virgil at his feet, having collapsed from the energy he'd exerted getting that far.

" Y-Yes, *wheeze* P-Patton, s-sir, *cough * I did, I'm s-sorry " Virgil whimpered.

Patton tilted the weak boys head up and looked at him, tilting his head with a smile ," Oh, Virgy, whaaaat are you supposed to call me when you have lost favor ?".

Virgil paled and shook ," I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, D-Dad, I-I forgot, p-please, please, I-I learned m-my lesson, l-let me out, p-please, I-I learned my lesson, p-please, I-I'm hungry, a-and t-tired, p-please d-dad ". Tears rolled down his face as he begged at the mans feet.

" It's alright ,dear son, you can come out. After you eat some food, your friend Remus has a new job for you to look at, and this one will redeem your last mistake !" Patton said chipperly, lifting up Virgil and untying his cardigan, placing it over Virgil.

He carried the barely conscience Virgil through the halls of their house, up the stairs from their 'payment room'. Virgil hated the payment room, he was put in there when he was in trouble. And he was in trouble after he'd failed his last job. Just cause he was their best assassins didn't mean he was above the punishments. 

He'd not finished the job. It had been been to , , , remove a four person family. Two mothers, a daughter, and a grand father. He'd gotten the abusive grandfather just fine. He was going to leave the fact that he didn't rewove the mothers to 'not finding them' but, , , Patton had seen him comforting the daughter.

Patton hadn't hurt the little girl at least.

Virgil realized he was being laid in his bed on the second floor. He waited, not allowing himself to go to sleep no matter how much he wanted to.

Patton came back after leaving and he carried a tray. He leaned Virgil up from the soft pillow and mattress, just like a loving father. He slowly fed Virgil a foul tasting warm liquid, not deserving to be called a soup. It was full of nutrition and, , , well, , , well they had drugs in them that would help Virgil regain his health and stamina. 

After he was fed, Patton tucked Virgil in, smiling sweetly, and going away. Virgil fell asleep as soon as possible, taking the first chance he got. Nearly 10 hours later, a man of similar age and build crept into Virgil's room nervously.  He made his way to Virgil' side. He checked his pulse with a sad look on his face and sighed in relief to see he was still alive. He swiped at his face, making sure to not mess up his mustache. 

" Sorry about this, Virgin " he said wearily before waking up his anxious friend. The boy jolted and before his friend Remus could even blink, Virgil was behind him, in a battle stance with his hidden daggers in either hand. Virgil saw who it was that had woken him and sighed, slouching a bit.

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