Assassin 2 - Analogince ~ Fluff/Angst

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TW - Cussing, GAY, past suicide attempt mentions past-self-harm mentions, past-abuse, past abuse mentions, killing mentioning, attempted assassination, past assassination, starvation, implications of stuuuuuuuuuuf

* Also this shit's gonna have soul mate, so IDK *

"I-I-I can't do this, th-th-theirs too many people, t-t-too loud, t-t-to b-b-bright, d-d-d-dress " Virgil whispered, started to hyperventilating. 

Remus pulled his best friend to a side alley way and out of the crowded road that led them and the huge crowd up to the palace. Remus planted his hands on Virgil''s shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

" Virg, Virg you've got this, it's going to be ok. You look KILLER, you are the absolute best in this business, and when you get into the zone, not even a fucking hurricane can stop you" Remus said, pulling Virgil's shaking body into a tight hug.  Virgil swallowed thickly and hugged Remus back, ignoring the mask that was in his hidden pocket concealed against his leg, as well as Remus' in his concealed pocket.

Virgil shuddered as he took a deep breath, his hidden legs making a few quiet clicks.

" Th-thanks Remus, sorry, lets, lets get in there '' Virgil said with a smile up at Remus that showed his spider-fangs. Remus grinned as well, showing his own animalistic teeth.

" Yas bitch ! Maybe I'll convince that one snaky boy to go to a back room and fu-" Remus started.

" HSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, SHUT UP !!!" Virgil shrieked and covered Remus' mouth with his spider legs in a panic.

Oh yeah, did we forget to mention that, although it was INCREDIBLY rare in any kingdom other than the snake-sided princes' , not one, but both boys actually had animal characteristics.

Virgil had not only spider legs that came out of his back, but also extra spider eyes he could hide and his INSANELY venomous spider fangs amongst his sharp teeth.

Remus had tentacles instead of spider legs that he could shoot out ink if he wanted. Also, he had sharp teeth that mimicked the sharpness in some squid and octopus' mouths.

Anyhow, back to this shit.

 Virgil and Remus made their ways to the big doors that led into the castle. They gave the guard's the invitations that Patton had given them and walked in, Virgil wincing as they where both announced , " Duke Deo-do-Rat , and his accomplice Viscount Anx !".

Virgil was hunched a bit out of reflex, making himself less noticeable as they walked down the stair case and in to the enormous sea of people that was the ball room.

" Really, Remus, Deo-do-rat ? And do people even know what a Viscount is ?" Virgil muttered, tugging on his dress, not having his sweater to wear as it had been immediately taken by the coat boy. Plus it had given another thing for people to look at and  notice the boy of.

" They shoooouuuuld, Viscounts have more power then baron ! " Remus said happily, ruffling Virgil's purple and nearly-black brown hair and Virgil hissing at him.

" Too noticeable, you're just a duke, we've got a million of those " Virgil grumbled and fixing his hair. Elbowing Remus, making him stumble back a bit while laughing. 

Which led him to falling into a person. 

The man fell under Remus, both crying out, though the man's cry sounded somehow like a bit of a roaring hiss.

The man groaned , and Remus hopped up, not bothering to pull down his already short dress to cover his currently showing, , , uh, , , undergarments. 

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