Episode 15: First Attempt Part 1

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(Hoffman, and a couple platoons under him, made a makeshift base at the rec. center. The city is quiet and humans roam around searching as hard as they can for more people of power to slaughter.)

Hoffman: Give me a report.
Soldier: Sir! All people of power are nearly wiped out from the city!
Hoffman: Nearly? How many are left?
Soldier: 9 that we know of.
Hoffman: And how sure of this are you?

(Even without making any provocative gestures, the soldier becomes incredibly nervous and unsure of his answers as he looks Hoffman in the eyes.)

Soldier: Y-Yes sir! From our calculations, the ratio of them to humans here was 5 to 3. And with our records of each individual in this town, we see that 10 are left that are people of power.
Hoffman: Oho, 10? *grins angrily* You told me 9...
Soldier: Sir! I mentioned 9 that we know of, the other is missing!
Hoffman: So you know where they are then? Aside from the missing one of course...correct?
Soldier: N-No...Sir...

(Hoffman looks the soldier dead in the eyes and it's as if a wave of nausea overwhelms and encumbers the soldier. A second wave of instinctual fear then sweeps through the soldier's mind causing him to soil himself and to start making the motions to run away.)

Hoffman: Why run away?
Soldier: Huh?

(The soldier then notices his body in a running position.)

Hoffman: Hahahahaha! Did you think I was going to kill you? That's a riot! Hahahahaha!
Soldier: Sir, I don't-.
Hoffman: Killing your own men Is distasteful, even if there was a mistake. So go ahead and explain yourself.
Soldier: Yes-Sir! The psychic we have notified us that she senses 9 that are still in the town, but one vanished. And unfortunately, psychics cannot specifically pinpoint where a person is.
Hoffman: Good work Soldier number 1.
Soldier: Sir thank you, sir!! (That's not even my name. Like heck I'll tell him that though!)

(Suddenly, snow starts to fall as the wind grows chilly and steadily colder by the second.)

Hoffman: Snow? In June? In my desert city?

(Temperatures soon reach 0° F. Everything in their vicinity begins to freeze.)

Hoffman: Well well, lucky us. One came here.
Soldier: The other soldiers are getting hypothermia-!
Hoffman: Boo hoo, tell them to suck it up.
Soldier: But Sir-!

(Hoffman grips the soldiers face tightly.)

Hoffman: I may not kill my men, but I'm not above beating them to an inch of their lives for getting lippy.
Soldier: *Whimpering* Yes sir!!
Hoffman: Take your positions!

(All the soldiers form their ranks. A huge stream of fire shoots towards Hoffman. Hoffman notices, but ignores the threat as it averts him and spreads to some of his soldiers, burning and killing them. Trey steps out from behind a building 5 blocks away, perpendicular from where the shot came from.)

Trey: Dang, how did you do that?
Hoffman: (Ah, Trey. So where did that fire come from?) Do what?
Trey: Are you stupid? How did you redirect that fire?
Hoffman: No clue.
Trey: Don't play coy!
Hoffman: Fire.

(The remaining soldiers fire their weapons, but each bullet halts just before they reach Trey. The bullets then turn and shoot up another large portion of the remaining soldiers. But again, the bullets avert Hoffman.)

Trey: Tsk, Tsk. You humans really are dumb. Still using metal. But then again, you aren't just a human, not after seeing that, huh Hoffman?
Hoffman: How quaint. Listen little boy, whether you accept it or not, I am just your everyday average human.
Trey: Yeah I call shenanigans on that. You may as well be a demon for what you've set in motion around the world.
Hoffman: Children are so stubborn this day and age. Back in my day, you were all obedient. Everything a proud father could've wanted. Of course, you took after me in the end.
Trey: What? Nah, nevermind that. *Yelling into the distance* Hana, turn it up, all the way up. Let's get this started!

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