my star, my moon and the whole universe

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I laid the mat on the grass and immediately laid down my body. I closed my eyes for about 5 minutes, remembering all the heavy feats and  shortcomings within the day, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, tears rushing down my cheeks as they escaped my eyes in unison. It was a smooth flow, nothing is forced for it was a perfect way to get away with the cruel flask I tried tp hold on all day.

It took me awhile to adjust, the tears I had created a fog that made my vision  to be blurry. I let my eyes rest and focused on the beautiful  scenery of what's above. Little did I know i am tearing up again for the beauty of the sky I couldn't contain, It was indeed dark, but the stars never failed to sparkle as if it was diamonds carefully put away.

The moon is relentlessly shining, hiding beneath the clouds from time to time for its too shy to show up, even then she still shared her light, the incomparable beauty of what lies in a million.

Now it confused me, for sometimes I see her as a star, something exceptional and beyond compare, someone whom I focus my sight even with thousands of rivals to choose by, but then tonight, I realized she can be the moon, something that I cant trade, for she is one of a kind.

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