Haunted Kitty Ch- 5

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Adam and they were really surprised what was inside of the vault in the vault was a picture of Haunted Kitty first ever troop 1 it had some much info about him that they could easily kill Haunted Kitty but then they heard troop 50 come so they hid in a box. I swear the person that stole everything is in here because the key card was in there. At first, Adam was panicking because of him but now that he left he wasn't anymore.

Adam, we have to get out of here before we get caught okay but we can't go the way we came from there too many troops we have to go through the vents wait through the vents we cant fit are you stupid no these kind of vents are wider look wow its really wide, okay this is a way safer way. They started moving then after a couple of minutes Adam was lost in the vents Nick wasn't with him or Max he said to himself it's going to be okay we just go to find a way. Adam screamed  Nicks and Maxes but no reply then he started to get very scared. 

He said to himself he's got to move the way his gut says but he didn't know which way still left or right.  Adam had already forgotten the way he came from.  Adam tried really hard to try to remember which way he came from but he just couldn't find out which way he came from. Then he said I will go left he started going left but then saw blood and he thought maybe the troops shot Nick or Max but started moving then saw a body it wasn't Nick or Max it looked familiar. He looked closer It was troop 50 he said Max or Nick probably killed him so that means I'm getting Adam said to himself while being happy.

Then he saw a part of the vent was not there and on the floor then he said to himself they had have came from here Adam said I'm really close. Then Adam heard Nick getting captured by one of the guards same as Max Adam said I have to save them but how. Adam got down and started looking for Nick and Max but cant't find them. Then Adam heard something that's so bad he heard a electric chair.  Adam started picking up the sound and found the room.  Adam went on the ground and started crawling towards the chair he saw there was a plug so he unplugged it the chair would not work. Then he started crawling over to Max who was on the opposite side of Nick and the guard he went up to Max and started touching his foot. Max said what in the world is touching me he looked down and saw that it was Adam Max said help so Adam had to crawl very slow without making a sound to the guard. So Adam began crawling towards the guard. He saw something that was off about the guard he looked very familiar. He looked closer and saw it was Ethan he got shocked it can't be he died. Ethan saw Adam on the flour and said hey what are you doing Adam replied and said Ethan how can it be you. Let's get out of here and I will explain everything. Adam Nick and Max started to get out they got out and made it home. 

Adam said to Ethan when they got home so how are you alive you died along time ago before I met Haunted Kitty let me explain when I got hit by that truck I didn't get hit I went under the truck and ran away that's why there is no body. Oh but were glad to have you back and let me show you someone his name is Max he is new. But why you were working for Haunted Kitty because I never told you this but he is actually my father but I hate him even though I worked for him these past couple years. So I have something to tell you said Ethan what so if you can look I heard that Haunted kitty is going to try to make something to kill us and its some kind of robot that giant that can instant kill you just but to warn you about it. So do you anything that can protect us from it. Not really, wait said Max I worked as a maker so I can make iron and stuff that uses metal or steal. And I got an idea I think I will make some stuff to protect you.

After a bit Max was done. Adam Ethan and Nick went go check and saw that he made them some tools one was a metal sword second was armor and that was it. They put it on and it was good. After a couple weeks it was the day the day for Haunted Kitty to bring the robot an Adam Nick Max and Ethan were all ready to to take it on. They saw the robot destroying everything building to house. Adam thought they can't take it on but Nick said believe in your self. They got ready and started fighting Adam was fighting and broke some wires then saw that some troops were coming up he fought them but there were to much and got knocked off and fell right on his spine and was not opening his eyes. Nick got a little scared but put his mind up and started moving but right then the robots hand moved and Nick fell but fell but safely but still hurt  Ethan was to scared he jumped Max said no he landed on his head and Max thinking he is dead but Max said its all up to me. But he saw there was no one controlling it was controlling its self and heard a beep that he thought that must have been something bad and it was a bomb if it exploded he would die but not the robot. There was only one way to destroy it but he will die he said good bye Nick screamed no and then Max pulled the wire and a big explosion happened and Max died but the robot got destroyed.    

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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