Amelia Lopez (demigod)

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Hi guys! My name is Amelia Lopez and I just got the biggest news ever!!! Like EVER EVER! I just found out that i was a demigod, and that added on to the already crazy day I was having so far would probably just make this the craziest/best day of my life!!

Oh sorry, I didn't even introduce myself. Hi! I'm Amelia Lopez and I'm a junior in high school. I have long brown hair, brown eyes, and I have a tan skin tone. I'm generally a happy person, with a cheerful personality. I know and am friends with practically everyone in my grade, all except of course, Tammy and her squad of about 10 other wannabe girls. Don't get me wrong, Tammy is a naturally pretty girl, and also dresses according to the dress code, unlike the natural stereotype of the mean girl always dressing up in crop tops and mini skirts. No, the only thing that makes me despise her is her personality. She practically bullies anyone she wants, and without an actual reason! She bullies the athletes for liking a certain sport, she bullies the smart people for doing well in school, and she bullies everyone in between for supposedly not having any unique characteristics! Like, the nerve! 

One day, I caught her bullying my best friend and I snapped. I walked up to her and put her in her place (sorry i couldn't think of any sort of roast or stuff so i just shortened it up. My bff probably reading this knows what Im talking about). Ever since, she goes out of her way to make my day suck. She spills my lunch, tears up homework, etc.

But all that changed when Nico came. He was a transfer student from New York, and walked into school right when Tammy tripped me. He had helped me up and looked at Tammy, who all of a sudden started flirting with him. Nico had immediately shot her down and walked with me to homeroom. Ever since, he has been one of my closest friends.

Now, back to present day, only a few hours before.

I had just gotten off the school bus, and was walking into the school, hiding my head in my hoodie to avoid people. I almost made it into the building when a foot suddenly blocked my path.... and i tripped. " Oh look. Here is little Amelia, loser of high school. She can't even stand up for herself, and needs Nico to do it for her. " Tammy says with fake pity. I stand up a brush any dirt of my clothes, and I speed walk into the school, my head down.

time skip until 4th period ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Nico?" I look up from my book and see Nico look up from his conversation with Dan. " As I can clearly see that you have a great understanding of the history of Rome, why don't you tell me who founded the civilization?" Mrs.Parker has a smug look on her face. 

Mrs. Parker is about a 50 year old women who hates children and wants us all to rot in detention. She glares at kids with colored hair, nose piercings and any goth related stuff. Naturally, Nico was her least favorite student.  I look over at Nico and see him smirk. Wow. I have never seen him with a facial expression other than gloomy. 

" Aeneas." he says. Mrs.Parker looks at him with a scowl and quickly turn back to the lesson. He smiled slyly to himself and returned to his conversation.

Everyone in the class enjoyed the moment but it was quickly ruined by the announcement of a pop quiz.  Way to crush our spirits Mrs. Parker. She gave a crooked smile to Nico as she handed him the quiz.

I bit my pencil as I stared at the quiz. All of the questions seemed impossible. The movement of pencils against the quiz was slow and unsure. Meanwhile, close to my desk was a quick scratching of pencils. Nico was furiously scribbling down answers onto the sheet of paper. He handed in his test before any of us. Nearly an eternity later, the bell rang and we all hurried out, turning in our quizzes quickly.

"How did you finish the quiz so quickly?" I asked Nico. He muttered something under his breath before responding.

"Maybe I actually listened." we laughed a little.

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