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I was on my way out the institute's basement when I bumped into Magnus on the way.

"Little Warrior" he greeted me with a smile and went to hug me, which I gladly returned.

"Magnus, what are you doing here?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.

"The institute called me regarding the forsaken that you've retrieved from Jade Wolf. Do you know where Alexander is?"

"Check the training room. Maybe he's still there"

"Is everything alright, dear?" He asked, grabbing my hand with his.

"It's nothing, Mags" I said, but I am definitely not a good liar.

"I know when you're lying to me, Alana. I know that look in your face" I sighed.

"You got me" I chuckled sadly."It's Simon. H-he's dead" my voice slightly cracking.

"Oh darling" he said and went to hug me again, his hands rubbing my back in comfort.

"We were friends for a short while, I never thought it would end that fast" I said as a tear slipped down my eye.

"Shhh! It's alright. Everything will be alright"

After that quick comforting, we parted ways. I made my way down the basement and saw Clary sitting beside Simon's body as Jace and Raphael stood behind her.

"The sun is setting..." I said, walking beside Jace."Have you decided?"

Clary let out a heavy breath and nodded her head.

Raphael was carrying a shovel and bag in his hands, Jace was carrying Simon's body, Clary was just following behind Raphael, as I went to look for an empty spot to bury Simon's body.

"Here" I said making them stop behind me.

Raphael threw the bag on the ground while Jace gently laid Simon's limp body on the ground.

They we're about to start digging a hole when they heard rustling sounds nearby. With this, Me and Jace immediately drew out their seraph blade, and a moment later, Camille appeared in front of them.

"What do you want?" Clary asked, throwing daggers at Camille with her eyes.

"I want my property back" Camille said.

"Simon is not your property" I said sternly.

"If you'll just hand him over, I'll be on my way" Camille forced a smile.

"You heard them. You're not laying a hand on him" Jace said.

"Fine! I tried to do this the nice way" she smirked before snapping her fingers, then a bunch of vampires appeared beside her.

"I'm glad you brought everyone here go witness your demise" Raphael said as he stood forward."Camille killed this mundane. Now I have all the proof..." He said, pointing towards Simon's lifeless body.

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