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                                               this is unfinished but i like it :)

Power is hypnotizing, power is feeling better than everyone, but if you have to hide it, it is going to be the death of you. The constant struggle to keep quiet, to stay low, even if you can easily win, the fight of the urge to just go off on someone, knowing they'll crumble, but choose not to, the self-control is too much. I just wish there were more people like us, the constant fear of accidentally killing someone is strong, but the fear of being killed is stronger.

Like every single hero, mutant story, we are obviously the outcast. Sometimes I wish I could just confess to everyone, it just doesn't sit well with me. It was quite nerve-racking, realizing three more people are like me. It just shook my world, it gave me a home and hope that one day, I can open up. I feel safe with them, but that's all. We call ourselves the Cool Kids Club, I don't know, but it's just comforting to know that we belong somewhere. The members are just us four. Taylor, Kennedy, Alex, and me, Charlie. We go to school every day, but recently we've been skipping some days. It's not safe anymore. After there was an assassination attempt of the president in the town a few miles away from ours, the FBI has been monitoring us, I don't know how long they will be staying, I just hope they don't find out. We had one other person in our club. Blake was their name. Went missing last year. Sometimes we wonder what it would be like if Blake was still here. I suppose I'm grateful. I just hope we won't get caught. "Charlie, c'mon, we have to go, it's almost twelve!", Taylor screamed through his microphone, we were in a video chat, and I (of course) am dozing off, it's for my own good I leave tonight. It's midnight, it's when they change shifts. I asked my parents to sleepover at Ken's house for today, it's easier this way, that way it'll be easier to meet up. I have a backpack that I put my stuff in, we don't know where we'll go, but we'll have to go far, far away. Ken and I sprinted over to the neighborhood playground, it's our safe spot. Al and Taylor were already there, both eating granola bars. My favorite kind, the ones with chocolate chips in them.

"Took you dummies long enough, where were you guys?", Alex rolled her eyes sarcastically, because he had been there for only a few minutes before us. Ken and I hesitantly looked at each other and locked eyes with Alex, "Well, you guys I'm waiting, it's honestly no biggie."

"W...W...We were just, you know, distracted by the rain.", I had blurted out. Ken grinned and nodded agreeing. Alex just gave me a look and decided to get going.

"Hey dumbass, watch where you're going, and aren't we supposed to be off our phones? We agreed to turn our phones off, take the sim card out, and buy a burner phone.", Alex sharply spoke as Taylor accidentally bumped into her. He held up the phone and said

"Sorry, this game, 'Minesweeper' or whatever, is really addictive!", Taylor said, "here, you have a go!" Alex aggressively snatched the burner phone, and chucked it a few feet away into the grass, "WHY THE F— WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Alex didn't care and started crawling on the ground. I heard some murmurs close by, it started getting louder and louder. Kennedy started staring and using body language to tell us she could hear them too. We started to crawl in the high grass. My legs started to itch, I believe there was a weed killer in the grass. I felt dripping down my leg... oh f—ing s—, did I bring any pads.. oh f—.

"Guys, I started my period.." Alex covered my mouth, I got distracted and I suppose I didn't notice the voices near me. I don't know what has gotten into me, her hands, they were so comforting, her face looked so intimidating, yet so secure and euphoric to me. I can't catch feelings, not for her, it's a bad idea, it will be the death of me. I looked down at her body and pulled her shirt down, she didn't like her skin showing, and her midriff was slightly exposed. In the dark, I could see her eyes show a feeling of embarrassment. Now that I think about it, has she ever been this attractive, or am I just seeing things? Ken looked at me with fear in his eyes...wait...not at me...something more sinister. I turned around and a being appeared. This thing made me feel fear, it's fingers were so slim, but looked so dangerous, it was complete darkness. Its face looked so eerily distorted, it had a smile, all I could take from it is that it had a smile, the smile was not at all friendly, it looked so terrifying. I was so drawn to it, it looked so mysterious and so unknown, all I could stare at was its smile, it looked so evil as if it came out from the pits of hell just to target me. Ken's face became pale, I could see it in the dim light, I could see her eyes roll to the back of her head as if she had passed out. Something was off. I could see her face move, it moved as if it were a stop motion film. Her head slowly crept towards her shoulder. Her fingers started to move her lips into a smile, it had the resemblance of the top three lines of an octagon, her skin started peeling away to reveal her dermis, as the smile grew bigger, I could see drops of blood. Her skin became no more, it was just bone. Her eyes were still in her skull, what was happening? I started feeling something come out of my throat...I could see the black vapor texture coming out; the same one that I saw in the monster's body. I can physically feel it, I can physically feel myself dying. I can see Alex's body do the same thing too. I panicked to find Taylor, there he is, completely immune, but mortified, I could see his breathing becoming faster. I screamed for help, Taylor was right there, staring, why can't he help, why can't he hear?"

"HEY S— HEAD, WAKE THE F— UP. YOUR DUMB ASS DECIDED TO PASS OUT IN THE PLAYGROUND, SO WE HAD TO CARRY YOU TEN MILES, THANK GOD YOU'RE BLINKING NOW." I looked up, and I saw Alex screaming at me and I turned completely red. I saw Ken's face, sweating in the lamp post light. I looked down at her hands, there was blood everywhere. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention, you got your period, and I'm pretty sure that's why you passed out." I nodded at Alex, and before I asked for pads she interrupted and said," We have no pads, but I packed tampons. You know how to use these, right?" I nodded mindlessly and took the tampons into the woods. "I'll keep a lookout for the feds you guys, don't worry!" I stared at my feet, wondering how to put the tampon in...is it this, or..? "Hey stupid, I don't think you know how to put one in, need help?"

"Hey! Y..Yes I do, it's just I haven't in a long time." Alex smirked at me and took the tampon from my hand.

"Sure you do, let me just do it for you."

"Um, if you insist–", I groaned so loudly, you'd think it was a moose or something.

"Yeah sure, you've totally used one before.", Alex giggled and walked away. I just sat down below the tree, still trying to comprehend what had just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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