That Night

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"Mom I'm home!"
Y/n's mom always wanted y/n to expand as a kid. But for numerous reasons y/n would never take her chances. But now she decided that she needed a change. She needed to fit the look of a lead guitarist in two different bands.

"Hi honey bunches, how was babysitting over at the Heffleys again?"

"O.M.G. So, you know how I've been talking about how the Ladybugs wanted to find a new Fender. Well Rodrick had a band practice and their guitarist had one and now I have to help them practice for Battle of the Bands and I can have it, it's not like I want to practice with them but I want that guitar." Y/n said.

"I mean respect to you. Also if you already ate that's fine but we just set some sundaes out in the table."

While y/n walked up to her room she turned around and had one last thing to say.

"Hey mom, do you think I could dye my hair. Nothing big just black I've been needing some change recently."

"I mean why not, if you get up around 5 we could squeeze it in before school even."

Y/n knew she would be slightly more respected with less feminine features like that. And so she was excited she had to tell someone.

Y/n ran into her room to go call someone quick and tell them all about her new hair.

"Hi Mrs Heffley. I just wanted to tell you quick sorry that it's late that I am getting my hair dyed tomorrow and can still baby sit I just didn't want the hair to be a big change or anything. That's all, also the kids were great earlier I'll be glad to come and sit more often."

"That's wonderful dear, I'm excited to see it. The kids both said they had a fun time today too! Alright it's getting late I'll see you tomorrow morning when you pick Rodrick up for commute."

Y/n got a car last summer and now that she had her license she picked Rodrick up and brought him to school with her everyday just because he lived so close and she enjoy driving.

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