Chapter 4

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"Rise and shine!" Delia seems to repeat over and over. "Rise and shine, Clove! Today is your first day of training!" I let out a very loud sigh and get up. 
"Finally! Now, make sure you go take a shower and put on your training uniforms that I've laid out for you on your dresser, alright?" Sleepily, I nod. She leaves to go bother whom I assume must be my oh-so-great, District partner. I brush my teeth, take a shower and get dressed. My training uniform is black, lined red, and has the number 2 on the back. I throw it on and meet Delia for breakfast, this time, Cato isn't already there. I grab a circular bread like thing and ask Delia what it is. 
"A bagel, dear! You eat it with this" She hands me a container filled with fluffy, white, creamy stuff. I ask her what it is, and she says it's something called cream cheese. I spread it onto my bagel that Delia tells me to cut in half.
"Add some strawberry slices." She tells me. I pick up some cut strawberries and add them on top of the cream cheese. I bite into and my mouth forms a curve. I take another bite, and another, and another! My will to stop is pretty much nonexistent. Back in two we were never exactly starving, nor hungry, just not full. But we never had luxuries like this. I finish the first and just when I'm reaching for another bagel, Cato comes out with his own uniform on. I ignore him and continue making my bagel. I finish and I shift away from him. He snorts and looks into my hands where the bagel rests. 
"What is that?" He asks me
"A bagel." I reply with a snarl
"I know that, idiot, whats inside of it?" I roll my eyes. The pampered pussy cat must've told him what a bagel was, I decide not to tell him and take a bite of the bagel. 
"It's filled with cream cheese and strawberries!" Delia chirps. She glances at the clock hanging on the wall. "It's almost time for training, my darlings! Finish up your breakfast and meet me by the elevator!" She practically sings. The pussy cat causes me more pain than what I'm sure the Games will. I scarf down my bagel and trudge over to the elevator where I find Enobaria, Brutus, and the cat herself. 
"Catoooooo!" Delia's voice moves up an down in waves. How the hell is somebody so annoying? 
Cato comes with a muffin and toast still in his hands. 
"I'm here" he says, taking a bite from his muffin, then stuffing the whole piece of toast in his mouth. 
"Don't talk with your mouth open!" Delia tuts, all 4 of us roll our eyes. "It's called etiquette, darlings, do they teach that in 2?" I ball up my fists and begin to lunge at this pampered brat. Enobaria and Brutus immediately hold me back. I turn my head around to face who I thought would be Enobaria and Brutus, but turns out to be Enobaria and Cato. Stupid Cato. He's still holding onto my shoulder. I elbow his chest, he doesn't seem bothered. So instead, I aim lower. Suddenly Cato is holding his groin moaning in pain. Delia gasps.
"Oh shut up" I snap at her. 
We make it to the training center by the time Cato is able to stuff the muffin in his mouth. Delia, Enobaria, and Brutus leave us at the door, and Cato and I walk in.  Everyone else is crowding around who Delia told us would be the head trainer, a tall athletic woman named Atala. Atala starts off by explaining the training schedule, the experts and the stations. Then telling us our probabilities of winning.
"In two weeks, 23 of you will be dead, one of you will be alive, who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days. Particularly, to what I'm about to say, first, no fighting with the other tributes, you'll have plenty of time for that in the arena." she laughs slightly, 
"There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My advice is don't ignore the survival skills, everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes. 10% from infection, 20% from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife."
She reads the list of stations. Finally, her long speech is over. My eyes immediately fly to the knife station, intending on frightening the other tributes, I walk over to the station and pick up a knife. I study it, there's no grip, a small hole on the handle, the sharp part is about as big as the handle, my feet move into a stance, and I release the knife throwing over hand. It finds it's way into the center of the dummy. I smile. Taking half a dozen more knives, I throw one of them it digs into the center of the target dummy, I turn slightly to the left, and throw my second knife, burying deep into the center. I turn again, and the knife finds it's way to the center. 3 knives left, 3 dummies left. There! One behind the dummy I just knifed, I throw my knife in just a way that it will curve, I don't watch it hit the target, but I hear the sound of it reaching it's destination. Turning 180 degrees, I hit one on the target's head. One dummy left. I hear the sound of the machine carrying the dummy coming from behind me. I whip around and my knife flies until it's buried itself into the red dot. I walk out of the knife station, pleased, only to find about 7 tributes looking at me. 

"What?" I ask innocently. I take notice of Glimmer and Marvel, standing next to Cato, arms crossed and grinning at me. Walking over there, I glance at the other tributes, smirking. 
"Nice throwing" Cato tells me. I roll my eyes. Is that all he has to say? It's not like we spent 5 years training together. 
"Anyone can throw a knife, its not that hard." Glimmer pleads at Cato. I'd like to see you do that. Cato leaves us to go to the sword station, not long after Marvel leaves to go to the spear station. Glimmer makes a rude sound and trots away, heading to what I can only guess to be the spa. Spa. I like that word, I heard my prep team talking about how they were getting a spa treatment later.  thought they were talking to each other, but apparently, they were talking to me 
"Oh, Clove, a spa is a place to relax, get a nice massage, and take care of yourself" They said.

I turn my head towards the sound, and of course, it comes from the barbie. Somehow, she managed to shoot an arrow into a force field, in between the fire and camouflage station. How did she even miss that badly? Seriously. How is she even a Career.
"Oopsies!" Glimmer giggles while throwing herself onto Cato, insisting that she teach her how to shoot. For some reason, this makes my blood boil. I take a knife sitting right next to me and throw it just between them while Cato is  trying to shove her off of him. It sticks into the wall behind them. Glimmer climbs onto Cato even more, shrieking. He pushes her to the ground, her feet landing with a loud SMACK. I pick up another knife and get into my stance. Glimmer walks over to me. 
"What. The HELL." She says. 
"What do you want." I let the knife in my hand go and it digs deep into the target.
"You threw a damn knife at me! And you have the audacity to ask why I'm here?" 
"Yeah, why are you here?" She huffs and stomps her feet. 
"You watch out in the arena! You watch out!" Glimmer storms away. 
"Yeah, sure." I mumble. I resume throwing my knives.
Wait. Why was I even mad Glimmer was flirting with Cato? We broke up. I moved on. Why was I mad?

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