▫️Your first free time event /1/▫️

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💧water signs💧

You were all alone in your room thinking about what you should do, being stuck in a killing game freaked you out. You didn't want to die and you certaintly didn't want anyone else to die here either, you wished you had your painting tools here and a canvas to keep you distracted from this cruel reality but you had none..nothing at all, having your friends, family and dream taken away from you is.........NO!

you WONT fall into despair.

You don't want that damned bear to get his way, you have to stay postitive so you got up and decided to spend your free time with someone,

after some thinking you decided that the best option was Chihiro fujisaki, she looks like a kind and generous girl..surely she doesnt mean any harm towards anyone!

After some time searching for Chihiro you couldn't find her at all, which confused you "where could she be?" While you were overthinking you accidently bump into Kyoko Kirigiri which made you instantly become a flustered mess while repeating "I'm so sorry!" Over and over again she says that it's okay and theres nothing you have to apologize for.

When she was about to leave you ask her where Chihiro went and she replied with the location Chihiro is, you are grateful for the help and thank Kyoko for her help.

You quickly go where Chihiro is and walk up to her, you aren't the best with words but you will try, you can do it!

You two hanged out for a while and got a little closer together! You wanted to give her something so you gave her a Blueberry perfume which she accepted with joy! While you guys talked you went into a weird converstation on how she got bitten by a mosquito...and didn't even kill it? I guess some people really are hardcore pacifists..

After hanging out with Chihiro you both bid goodbye to eachother and headed diffirent directions. You returned to your room and when you did something shocking stood there.

Painting supplies with multiple canvases from small to big, you were overwhelmed with joy and got painting as soon as you can. You already had an idea for what you should draw, you painted yourself and Chihiro hanging out outside the killing game. You can't wait to show Chihiro the painting!


You were in the library looking for a book to read, you kept searching until a book caught your intrest. It was one of Toko's books that she wrote so you instantly started reading it. As the ultimate reader you could read a book in just 1 day or less so you quickly finished reading the book in 4 hours.

You really enjoyed it but you were really bored now, reading a book by yourself isn't always that fun. So you decided to hang out with someone, and by someone i mean Toko Fukawa.

The place you decided to search first was her own room, so you headed there and knocked 3 times like they do in movies. You could hear footsteps heading towards the door so you assumed that Toko must be in there.

The door swung open and it revealed the ultimate writing prodigy herself Toko Fukawa.

You asked if she wanted to hang out with you, which she hesitated at first but chose to accept the offer. After chatting about books and literature, you gave her a everlasting bracelet as a gift. You would say that you two got a little closer together.

After saying your goodbyes to eachother you went into your room to rest after this tiring day.


You were wandering around the halls of the school to get a little more used to this place, after slowly memorizing the place you didn't really have anything to do.

You decided you should get to know the others more, having allies in this killing game could benefit you after all but the real question is "who will it be?" You already ruled out Hifumi Yamada, and slowly you after ruling people out you came to the top 3 picks, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Kyoko Kirigiri and Celestia Ludenberg.

You decided that its best to pick Kiyotaka for now. You started looking around and fortunately you found him, you asked if he wanted to hang out in which he accepted with joy.

You two talked for awhile. You decided that maybe you shouldn't gift anyone yet, but you think you two got a little closer together?

After you two bid goodbye to eachother you went to your room and planned some other ways to befriend people and make allies.

▫️This is so cringe i'm crying lmao- anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter because i'm not that creative, i will do the other signs too c:▫️

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