Hi, My Name is Sarcasm

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Commence the random dribblings of a random writer on the internet. Pieces of what I think without editing and sugar coating it. Don’t agree with me on some things? That’s great! Comment with your own thoughts, beliefs, favorite color, etc...

Now then, first a little about my life. 

Failing school. Next to no friends. My life in a nutshell. 

I’m not complaining though, I have a wonderful life with a family who loves me. But it still feels empty. I assume others feel this way too. I hope so, or that would only mean loneliness. 

Though, I’m not complaining about that either-I've always worked better alone anyway. The only thing I have to worry about is grades, but I’m just so tired of it all. Suicide isn’t an option because I do believe in a better future and that everything gets better. Plus, I know I should be happy and grateful for the life I have because of all the other people who would kill to have my life. 

 Is it wrong to want more than just the right circumstances? 

True happiness comes from inside and being content, I know that. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an idiot. It’s not like I would tell my parents that I’m failing on purpose. I wouldn’t be lying though. Honestly though, doesn’t anyone think it’s strange that I go home to watch documentaries all day and yet I can’t pass a regular class? I would bet I am far smarter than the average teenager. Maybe it’s just that I don’t want to go off to college yet.

Huh? What? Failing classes on purpose? Kids can do that?


Reading through that last paragraph again I really come off as a narcissistic jerk. Maybe I am. I don’t know. My father once told me I people don’t really know who they are until they are at least twenty-five. I think this is true to a certain extent.

Don’t you always know who you are at this point in time?

People change over the years. Heck, they can change in a week. But through all that, they know who they are in that moment whether they think so or not.

Strange as it seems, I think we all evolve into different people throughout our lives-several times at least. I bet if I read this entry five years from now I would have drastically different thoughts about many different topics than I do now. For right now though, I think that's okay. Many different people are equal to many different thoughts and opinions. 

Someone shoot me if I ever think my opinion is always the right one. 

I’m not too sure the point of this little diary anyway. I guess I felt the need to write. Maybe I’ll come to an amazing epiphany while writing it and become the next Buddha. 

Well actually I’m probably too much of a sarcastic monkey to come anywhere close to anyone achieving enlightenment.


Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded. 

-Fyodor Dostoevsky 

How a Teenage Girl ThinksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz