Chapter 1

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Lord I didn't know life would be so hard right after my sister left for Florida I was devastated and I was left to defend myself and to realize it's time for me to grow up and learn to fight for myself My names Katy My friends call me Kitkat I've been on my own for two years already and Lord I miss my sister so much it hurts but I have to be strong I will see her one day I know I will I was walking down the street thinking as I walked down the street I see my Friend Alice walking towards me and I stopped and let her get to me "hey" I greeted softly "hey Kitkat" she replied "how's your day been?"  I didn't know how to answer that "feels like a Monday Morning" Alice laughed at my comment "Your something else girl" she replied I shook my head and looked at he road "how's it been going with you?" I asked her Alice looked down a bit then at me "I've been better" she responded I didn't believe her "Alice" I responded she sighed and looked at me "I've been having trouble with my parents is all" she responded I Looked at her seeming worried "Oh Well It's good to know your alright" I responded to her sighing "anyways I got to go find My Best Friend" Alice looked at me "Well I can tell were not getting anywhere close" I looked down I Know Alice has a point I sighed and nods "Yeah" I responded "but we can't give up to easily'' I kept on walking looking around wondering if I should call the Clan to see if anyone knows where my sister has went but none of them said they haven't seen my Best Friend at all I grunted and I walked to continue looking for my sister Alice looked at me "She isn't anywhere around here Kitkat" she said  I looked at Alice then sighed "she has to be around here somewhere she couldn't have gotten far" I kept on looking I started blowing up my Best Friend's phone but there isn't no reads or no text backs I called Leiny Leiny picked up the phone {Finally someone picks up} I thought "Leiny it's me I was wondering if you can do me a favor" I said through the phone "Oh right yes I Know you don't like me but please be a pal and do this for the sake of your Gurl Genius" I snapped "Fine I'll pick up whenever you find any signs of her" I hung up and looked at Alice "Leiny is going to help us find her" Alice nods "Alright sounds great to me" she responded and walked beside me Leiny was on the hunt but she couldn't find my Best Friend either so she started texting her which was a shocker My Best Friend actually answered her but she didn't get anything that could help us find her Leiny begged my Best Friend to tell her where she is but all she replied was that she was alright and that she needed some time I sighed and nodded "I Guess she will come home whenever she is ready" I Looked at Alice and nods and I started walking back in the Direction I was coming from Alice followed beside me I stayed beside her then she looked at me "Now what?" she asked I shrugged "Maybe I'll just wait until Best Friend comes home" I responded Alice nods "Maybe I will join you" she responded I chuckled "Alright Alice" I replied "just know though it's going to be boring" I said Alice shrugged and followed behind me as I went back to the house I went and opened the door for her and she smiled and thanks me and she walked into the house I followed and sat down beside Alice on the couch and we sat there and waited for my best Friend but there was nothing for a while I sighed and I Looked at my phone Alice was sitting there bored looking through her stuff on her phone until we heard the door opening and I looked up my best Friend walked in and looked at me Irritated "What Kitkat?" she asked and I flinched "I was worried about you you haven't texted me at all"  My best Friend looked away and sighed "I'm Sorry I was just needed some alone time".

Hey I'm here Just bored and barely on anymore so like my sister if you see this give it a star don't be afraid to leave a comment and if your not already follow me for more See ya~

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