Prologue - The Legend

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Long ago, the Crimson Dragon God descended from the heavens and took a human form, founding the small kingdom of Kouka and becoming its first king: the Crimson Dragon King.

However, not long after the Crimson Dragon King became human, he had to fight with the very humans he sought to protect.

The people's hearts had filled with evil, they'd forgotten the gods, and the kingdom soon fell to ruin.

Soon, the Crimson Dragon, too, was seized by power-hungry people. 

However, just before he was about to be executed, the skies above filled with color, the clouds parted, and four more dragon gods emerged from the heavens.

"Crimson Dragon, we are here to get you."

The dragon brothers bellowed upon their descent. 

"Annihilate these humans without faith, love, or the ability to learn, and come back to heaven."

Despite what the humans had done to him, what they were about to do to him, and how they'd all betrayed him, the Crimson Dragon refused. 

"No. I am a human now. Even if humans hate me and betray me, I cannot stop my love for them."

The dragons also loved the Crimson Dragon and wished not to lose him. So, to protect the Crimson Dragon, the four dragons each gave their blood to a human warrior to grant them power.

One was given sharp claws that could slash anything.

One was given eyes that could see far ahead.

One was given the ability to jump sky high.

One was given a strong, invulnerable body.

"You are our avatars now. The Crimson Dragon is your master. Protect him with your life, love him, and never betray him."

Warrior with the dragon gods' power led clans to protect the Crimson Dragon, bringing order to the chaotic kingdom.

This was not the end of their legend, however. 

No, for one dragon in particular... this was only the beginning of his tale.

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