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Snowdrift's POV

"Careful!" was the first thing she heard as her egg cracked slightly. She was satisfied. She pushed harder and she could see another crack appearing, letting in a beam of bright light.

"Look, she's coming!" the female voice whispered.

"I see." a male voice replied.

Were these her parents? She wasn't quite sure. She threw herself against her shell and it shattered into pieces. She looked above her and saw two faces looking down upon her.

"She's beautiful, what will we name her?" whispered the male dragon.

The female dragon let out a breath of air and answered, "How about Snowdrift. Do you think the queen will approve?"

"I think it's a wonderful name my dear," came the male voice once again.

Snowdrift opened her mouth and let out a small squeak.


"Mama's right here. Come to me, my darling Snowdrift," the female dragon said, reaching out tentatively.

Snowdrift tried and failed to scamper on to her mother's outstretched talons. The female dragon slowly lifted her up and placed her near her heart.

"Mama." Snowdrift said as she sighed contently.

Now, she felt safe. At peace in every way.


North's POV

As he scrambled out of his egg, he felt a slight breeze on his scales. He looked up and saw two pairs of loving eyes gazing down at him.

He tried to pronounce Mommy, but ended up sounding more like "Omy."

"North, over here. I'm your mother," said a sweet female voice that filled his heart with joy.

"And I'm your father," added a whispery male voice.

"Omy? Faher?"

"Yes darling, we are your parents. I promise I won't let anything harm you, my little angel." the sweet female voice answered.

North was confused, the older dragons were saying some words he didn't understand yet. But he knew he had a purpose, otherwise, why would he be in this world? So from that day on, he made up his mind, he was going to fulfill his purpose, whatever it was.

He scrambled into his mother's talons and closed his eyes, tomorrow would be another adventure.

Northwind Blowing ~ A Wings of Fire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now