Time Travel Gone Wrong | Sanghmitra

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❤️Book: Living The Band Life


Ever thought how life would be if you are part of a band? sadboibrooklyn04 shows this through his book 'Living the band life'.

The age range for this book is 15+.

This book is about the life and struggles of five bandmates Jed, Brook, Rye, Mike and Andy.

The topic this book explores is not new, but it's written a bit differently.

Title: The title of the story suits the plot. It's straightforward. You can keep it or if you want to change, change it into a brief one. But I think it's sufficient.

Cover: The cover is perfect. No doubt about that.

Blurb: The blurb of the story is too short. It should not only provide the names of the characters but a brief insight of the story too. What's it about? Why should the readers read your book? The short blurb you provided was not sufficient to attract a large mass of readers.

Introduction: The intro was a bit confusing. I appreciate the fact that you provided info about the main characters, but remember that until or unless the reader is in total flow with the story and adjusted themselves with the characters, they won't be able to understand who is who properly. Like when you introduced the conversation between the MC's, you should have written in the story mode, slightly explaining about the character, not just a simple dialogue with their first name initials.

Plot: The plot is descriptive and full of dialogue, that is easy for the readers to read. I also like how the reactions of the characters are shown. They are genuine and feel very real. The main concern is grammar. There are many places where wrong words are written and editing is needed. It would also be helpful to add band practices and background of the band - their backstory - i.e. how they came together. Simply starting their life as a band without a brief backstory doesn't add up. The readers would want to understand the characters and their roots so a backstory will be perfect for that.

Total: There are rookie mistakes, but nothing that can't be corrected by a little practice and experience. With a little improvement, your book will have the potential to make the readers feel as if they are living in it, as a character.

I would like to give this book a 2/2.5 out of 5. But don't worry, I really appreciate the hard work put forward for this book. You have potential, so you just have to keep improving. Good job. All the best! 


😄Thank you for coming, sadboibrooklyn04!! We hope this was okay, and you're free to come whenever you like!😄

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