Chapter 23: Duel on the Pitch

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Nicolas sat with is his wife in the Slytherin Quidditch Locker room. The door was magically barred as she helped him wrap his legs with athletic tape. While his body was in peak physical condition, and he looked no older than 40, he was still over 600 years old. Sometimes, the small quirks of his age caught up to him, like wrapping his joints. He did it every morning, or if his wife was around, they helped each other. It was a ritual that they adopted over 400 years ago. When he toured the dueling circuit when he was younger, and when it first started, it became a ritual that they did before each duel. She would wrap his legs in silence and they would talk about his opponent when his arms would be wrapped.

"He's just a child you know Nic." The soft voice of his wife made him smile. A voice that after 600 years still made his heart race.

"I know my sweet. However, this is a political, educational and philosophical battle. He is at war within himself. His Crown weighs heavy." Nicolas stroked his wife's cheek as she finished wrapping his left wrist.

She sighed as she started to wrap the right wrist,"All crowns weigh heavy. It is why we chose never to rule. I am worried. You are strong and capable, but he is young and skilled as well." She trailed off as Nicolas cupped her face, his eyes intense in their focus.

"My love, let me be clear. He has as little chance of beating me as time does as I drink my Elixir. Especially with his Crown banned." Nicolas smiled at his wife and kissed her cheek.

Harry was going through a similar ritual. Sirius and Ron were in the Gryffindor Locker Room with him as he adjusted his own red and gold athletic tape. Sirius was leaning against a locker just silently watching his godson. Ron on the other hand was the opposite of calm. He was moving around the locker room like a niffler in a Gringotts vault. At least that was what Sirius said as he watched the red head bounce around the room, offering Harry advice.

"Remember mate, that whatever you hit him with has to be strong to overcome whatever that Stone of his does to his body." Ron said as Harry finished his wrapping.

"Ron, you're my best friend. But if you don't stop, I am going to turn you into a squirrel for Sirius to chase." Ron stopped and looked at Harry, his eyes wide. When he saw the young man smiling, the Weasley smiled too, weakly.

"Sorry... I'm just excited for you. I mean, this is the first duel you will have done since winning the Triwizard and there are a ton of people out there, and this could get you a ton of opportunities. Duels are serious Harry." The lanky boy seemed to fold himself onto the bench across from Harry before he locked eyes with him.

"Harry, if you beat Nicolas Flamel today. You will not need to sit your NEWTs, your OWLs anything. Mixed with your name alone, you will be able to work for and with anyone. Anyone Harry. Even if you don't win, Nicolas Flamel is a name that opens doors! You could impress him!" Ron had a smile on his face, as he spoke. His voice wavered in excitement and he gestured with his hands. It wasn't until the end that Harry started to smile as well as his excitement grew. Sirius just added to the excitement when he started to speak.

"This duel could be the best thing that the students will ever see! I know what you can do Harry. I know that you are more than capable of beating him, without even using that Crown. You can win this kid. And if you don't give them the best damn show that a Potter can give." Ron whooped as Harry stood and nodded.

"I think it's time to show off a bit. Ron, after the duel starts, get to Dumbledore and tell him I plan on going all out. Sirius, reinforce the Protector. I'm using the full arsenal of my family magic, baring the Crown. If Flamel thinks that just banning that means he is winning this, he's gonna be in for a rude awaking." Harry grinned as he flexed his fingers and pulled the ceremonial robe that he was required to wear to the duel area. He flicked his wand into his hand from the holster, and nodded to his two allies.

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