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          I wrote the first part already but for some reason it deleted??? I guess that's karma for not giving y'all a warning for what you're about to read.. 

          Anyways, most likely level TEN emotions! 

          I'm literally gonna make all of your chests ache. And you might end up crying. But sometimes people like to cry, so if you ship them and want to cry, read this. 

          There IS going to be some smut, definitely fluff, a TON of angst that will most likely make you cry, and then of course a whole helping of Sasha and her love of Potatoes.. NAH, I'm just kidding around!.. For Sasha at least.. hehe.

          Anyways, I might put an OC in here, but that's only a possibility. And before you get all 'I only ship this character with this character', I don't usually ship my OC's with people from the anime. Of course, if I do put one in here then they'll just be used to thicken the plot. NOT in a romantic way. 

          Alrighty, ima get on with it then. Luv you guys! Enjoy!! Also, if you're reading then pls comment. I like to know what people are thinking.. 

          Ok, NOW enjoy- Actually, no, one more thing! Just to let y'all know, I normally uptake once a day, and the chapters are quite long. Sometimes I'll just be in the zone and I'll write like 8000 words, but from now on one chapter a day!

          Ok, I think that's all....................! Now let's get on with it! 


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