First Day of School Fresh

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Waking up today was the first day of school. Of course I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Like I'm ready to do way better this year than I did freshman year. I'm ready to express myself more and just be a little more out there in a good way. I got up out of my bed and got undressed, wrapping a towel around myself and walking to the bathroom in my dorm I got in the shower turning the water on hot and washing up. After finishing my morning routine I walked to Riley's door and knocked on it.

"Riley wake up it's time to get dressed!"

I walked back to my room and closed the door getting dressed. I wasn't going crazy for my first day so I just put on a simple black shirt that opened up near the bottom with mustard color skinny jeans and my low top black and white converse. I put on my earrings and then grabbed my book bag and my jacket just in case it got a little chilly. I grabbed my key so that I could back into my dorm, my phone and my iPod. I put my room key in my jacket pocket and then my phone and my iPod in the two back pockets of my pants. Walking outside my room and locking my door I walked next door to knock on Riley's door again.

"You ready yet child?"

"Yeah give me a sec!"

Waiting a couple more minutes leaning on the side of her door she came out finally with her phone in her hand and her Michael Kors bags on her wrist along with room key locking her door also. We walked down the hallway and downstairs exiting the dorm.

"You ready for this first day?" I looked at her as we started walking to the dining hall for breakfast.

"I kinda am but at the same time I'm already ready to graduate from this shit hole." I laughed slightly to myself as I shook my head.

"You're a mess." I responded back as we walked ahead. Walking into the building of the dining hall and dropping our bags off it felt a little good walking in and seeing some old and new faces. Getting something to eat I conversed with Riley and ate so far everything was just fine as usual. After finishing breakfast we cleared our plates and started walking to class. Of course, me and Riley didn't have any classes together which is just like last year. I'm not complaining though because we're already close enough as it is. I don't need to see her all day. The first class I had today was Algebra 2 Essentials. This class was pretty much a regular Algebra 2 class it was just a level below standard. The only reason I'm in this class is because I did end up barely passing Geometry freshman year because of my lack of completing homework which can actually bring your grade down. Who knew?

I walked into my math classroom and took a seat in the left back corner of the room. Setting my bag down I set in my seat and took out my phone. I opened my Instagram and scrolled through liking people's pictures. A lot of people back home had already started school and it was funny seeing them complain a lot already about how much they hate school on Instagram. I laughed slightly to myself as I continued double tapping photos. Soon after my teacher walked in. I had her last year too for geometry so it'll be nice to spend time with her again this year. She'll get to see me grow as a student too so that'll be fun too.


Lunch soon rolled around the corner after I took a nap. Math was my only class in the beginning of the day and then I had a double free for the next two hours. I really do love my schedule during the week. Excepts for Fridays though where I do have all my classes. I'm not exactly happy about that but it's better than nothing. I placed my bag down outside the dining hall and spotted Riley as I entered.

I walked up behind her and smiled, tapping her shoulder. "How's your first day going so far?"

She shook her head and sighed "I think I'm ready to work at McDonald's." I laughed and patted her shoulder. "The money is in stripping in Atlanta. That's what you should do instead Ry." I laughed and smiled at her. "Then I'll become a stripper. I can't do school." I nodded my head and looked at her. "I've only had one class so far today so I can't really tell you much sorry bae." After calling me a string of insults we grabbed our plate and got our food. This new food service at our school is supposed to the with the way our teachers are talking about it but I'm not seeing the hype in it right now. Looks kinda gross to me. Nothing looks appealing to me either.

I started walking away from her, "I think I'm gonna make a sandwich. None of this looks good to me." She followed right behind me "I can agree with that. They took away my pasta bar!" I laugh and shook my head grabbing my bread, butter and cheese to make a grilled cheese.

After making everything and getting my drink I picked a table that we could sit at and talk.

"Do we have lunch with the froshies or are they in lunch two?" I asked

She shrugged her shoulders digging into her food while looking at her phone. I nodded my head going back to eating. No one ever texts me so I'm not even gonna bother to check what's going on with me. After eating we had a little more time before class started so we just stayed in the dining hall and hung out. Bothering people around us and just causing nonsense. Nothing new for the two of us. It was beautiful to be care free. I didn't care if someone didn't like me or not, I was enjoying my time being me and I was grateful to have someone to fully share that with, without them acting like they were better than others.

"Alright bae, I gotta go to Spanish. I'll see you later." I said getting ready to walk to the building where our language classes were.

"Wait, bitch! I have French we're going the same way don't leave yet." I laughed and stood by the table waiting for her to get her stuff. I linked our arms together and started skipping to class with her laughing as usual.

I don't know how I would survive high school without her. She's my rock.

I know things are starting off very slow right now but bare with me guys I'm trying to make this as good and detailed as possible

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