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 "Hush now, I'm going to take you away to a far better place." The woman shushed the crying baby.The baby did not stop crying, instead, she wailed, even louder than before.

The woman sighed, "I cannot keep you with me, it is far too dangerous. I hope that when you grow up, you'll understand. For now, I must leave you here."

The more the woman spoke, the more tired she felt. Time was running out, she had to hurry.

She looked around, nobody was watching. She quickly but quietly placed the crying baby onto the front steps of the orphanage, and knocked the front door.

She smiled tenderly and whispered to the baby,"Goodbye, little Eve, I hope good luck awaits you."

Then, she put a little card and a ring that shimmered brightly next to the baby, kissed her cheek, and fled, off into the dark night.

After a few moments, the baby could feel that she was all alone, the baby wailed, in fear of what was happening to her.

Thunder shook as the baby's cries got louder and louder, lightning flashed throughout the town, droplets of rain pelted the ground.

Through the rain, a nun emerged out of the orphanage, she gasped when she saw the baby, she held the tiny baby in her arms, cooing.

When the nun read the card, she smiled and whispered, "Hiya, little Eve."

The baby cried and thrashed, the nun frowned.

"Hmmm......not liking the name? How about I name you.....Evelyn?"

The baby stopped thrashing.

"Evelyn it is, then. Let's get in, it's raining heavily."

Then, the nun walked into the orphanage, hushing the baby.

From then on, the orphanage was the girl Evelyn's home for the next few years of her life.

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