The Beginning

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Sunday evening 12:00 pm
December 12th

Feeling the sun shining directly in my face squinting my eyes frowning as a sharp pain shot through my head groaning I tried to sit up realizing something heavy was laying on my stomach . Slowly pulling back the covers I sighed in relief and regret rubbing my hands over my face. "Sweetie." Shaking her body the women shifted groaning burning her face deeper into my "breast." Sighing softly I eased from underneath her tapping her shoulder "miss?" I felt bad I didn't remember her name, I hardly remember anything from the night before. Giving up I decided to just let her wake on her own, walking into my bathroom I stared over my body as I looked in the mirror seeing red marks on my neck and chest and a few bruises on my lower back and ass looking over my reflection with confusion on my face peeping into the bedroom wondering what the hell this lady did to me .

Shifting my body trying to drown out the sound of an annoying tone frowning my face as I held my head leaning over the bed reaching for my phone seeing it was my captain/ex wife sighing I answered the phone I'll admit my voice was pretty raspy "Hello Rue." I asked annoyed covering my eyes with my forearm "we have a rape victim 18 says she'll only talk to me you need you to come now." Sighing "I'll be right there give me a hour." Hanging up my phone I sat up letting the gray sheets fall exposing my bare body realizing this bed wasn't mine, looking at my surroundings I didn't recognize this room hearing the shower going I slipped on my jeans not realizing I didn't have on a shirt I grabbed my gun slowly approaching the foggy bathroom stepping inside I pointed my weapon at the shower "where the hell I am?" I saw her jump and mumble words that made my gun fly out my hand in complete disbelief I stepped back nervously but  ready for whatever if it came to that, seeing her step out the shower my eyes locked on glowing body her.
"What the hell? I woke up to your face burned in my breast, I tired to wake you but you didn't so I decided to let you wake on your own!" She snapped back grabbing her towel wrapping it around her body walking over to my gun handing it back to me. "We had sex?" I questioned observing the marks on her body not remembering anything from last night "Did I do that?" She looked in the mirror tracing the marks across her chest.

Tracing the hickeys on her neck and chest Eve shrugged her shoulders " I'm assuming yes considering I woke up naked with you laying on top of me." Still in a daze Jo tucked her gun in her jeans walking back into the bedroom Jo'anna searched for her belongings "what's your name?" She asked breaking the awkward silence  "Eve" moisturizing her body she slipped into an oversized t-shirt "what's yours?"  "Jo'anna" she replied making herself look  presentable looking at the time seeing she already had wasted an hour. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom real quick?" Stepping aside  Eve really didn't have anything to say she knew she had fucked up but wasn't too concerned.

Getting myself dressed I watched this women freshen herself up I'll admit she was fine ass hell staring at her ass I raised an eyebrow seeing what she was working with and I mean she was working everything she had. Licking my lips she walked out the bathroom standing before me I knew she saw me but I didn't care. Running her fingers through her short hair cut she sighed in confusion not sure what to say "hey, I'm sorry about earlier but what you di-" I quickly stood up placing my finger over her lips "you saw nothing" giving her an unreadable look she nodded understanding "look I gotta go." Removing my finger I grabbed her face kissing her lips only to erase me from her memory but the totally opposite happened she grabbed my waist kissing me back wrapping her lips around mines I fought back my own moans as her tongue found the roof of my mouth it  felt so good mumbling against her lips her memory was still there even felt like my spell made her kiss me harder who was this women?, suddenly every single details replayed from last night jumping back I stared at her for a few moments "I gotta go." She said leaving my house watching her go I was lost for words from the way she kissed me bitting my lips I felt a strong wind brush through my bedroom balcony taking me out my thoughts I heard a voice that I knew all to well turning around seeing my sister and daughter appear  "mommy!" My daughter  Tessa yelled running towards me jumping up on me "get down your to big now." Laughing along with my sister I wrapping my arms around her I smiled rocking side to side "Hi Marie." "Hello Eve" she spoke in her deep southern accent "Tessa baby go put your things away let me and Eve talk for a second." "Yes ma'am" Tessa replied taking her things into her room closing the door behind her  "How-" being cut off by Marie she held up two fingers which always indicated she already knew the truth. "Why was that women in this house? you know we can't risk exposing ourselves Eve you know this." Swallowing a lump in my throat sitting on the edge of my bed rubbing my hands over face I sighed shamefully "I know Marie, i know I got drunk on Bourbon we met at the house of blues we started dancing she started feeling on me and I don't know I just let my desires get the best of me next thing I know I'm waking up naked with her on top of me. "Was it good?" Chuckling at my sister's question I shock my head smiling softly thinking about the events from last night nodding "I mean she wasn't terrible." "Good because it was your was." I didn't want to tell her that I couldn't erase the her memory because things would get pretty ugly if I did.

Arriving at the hospital pushing my shades of my face I walked till I saw Rue "Hey, she still in there?" "Yeah but you're late." Ignoring her statement I walked in the room and immediately recognized the victim she was a student at Dillard University " Taylor hunny what happened?" Grabbing her hand  "He raped me I didn't want it, at all but he kept pushing himself inside me." Wrapping my arms around her as she broke down sobbing "it's alright." I rubbed her back trying my best to sooth her pain "I'll stay with you till your parents get here is that alright?" She nodded wiping her tears allowing me to sit next to her "Do you know this guy? Does he stay on campus?" I asked only because it was protocol I knew she didn't want to relive that situation but I needed to know. "He doesn't stay on campus but I know who he is." I could tell she was hesitant and scared tucking her gorgeous curls behind her ear reassuring her that she was safe "he's the campus security." She looked down covering her eyes frowning my face I nodded letting her go I got up to go tell Rue everything before she stopped me "wait! I -I don't want to report this." Looking at her confused i tilted my head fearing what I knew she wanted. "I wanna handle this on my own but I need your help Jo please?" She was a good kid with the sweetest personality I knew if I did this it would take all that away. " Taylor you know I don't live like that anymore and plus once you go down that road there's no coming back." She laughed sadly wiping her tears pulling the blanket over her limp body "just go" she said staring at the wall. Part of me wanted to but I just made a promise to someone I would never step back into that life but then again this girl needed me. Leaving once her mother entered the room all I could hear was her sobbing walking past Rue I really didn't feel like her shit today but this was different "she doesn't want to report so my job is done." Putting my shades on I left the hospital getting in my car heading to the precinct.

Hello everyone I really hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter. Make sure you like and leave and comment. If you like weird shít this book is for you. Lol 😂😩

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