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This planets inhabitants are weak but the resources are great just what I need besides my army is full enough and they respect me here so I might not blow it up they bow down to me like a god which I am so when I have my soldiers take their resources I strike a deal with them I say I'll let you live as long you can provide these resources every 2 years and their leader bows and agrees with thank you my lord I am thinking this great they even call me lord so I fly off the planet and head to where I was born and where I lost my first battle sadala I hated the planet but I needed revenge against the saiyan named Cabba after he beat with his super sayian form 6 years ago but I've been training which also pisses me off that I have to train I'm angry no not angry furious but my new god form will kill him but one of my most strongest and most loyal soldiers ask me of my life story so I decided to tell him my past

23 years ago

A boy was born but not just any boy a prophecy who was either deemed to be pure good and save the planet or pure evil and destroy it so some people wanted to kill it then some people wanted to protect but it was up to the parents they kept the boy alive a mistake that would cost many planets to be wiped out years later but when the boy was 5 he seemed pure but when he went to school everyone wanted to be his friend he was so happy even the teachers loved him it was so awesome until he heard one of the teachers conversations 
Yeah I told all the kids to be friends with the little weirdo prophecy kid just so he won't maybe destroy the planet even he tried our defense force would wipe him out so I think I'll just tell the kids to stay away from him (Y/N) was angry but also sad he went home crying he walked through the door did I mention my parents are quite poor but it doesn't bother me only my amount of food mom was cooking so it meant that she got a promotion and dad got one too because he was dancing around like a maniac they see me and ask why I'm crying I tell them what happened and all they say is sorry bud my parents seemed hesitant to get close to and I'm just now realizing everyone scared of me then all sudden a little voice says go to the basement I think basement we don't have a basement the little voice tells me to go into my parents room and check under the bed and so I do and there it is stairs leading to a basement I walk down and find plans to fake their own deaths the week when they get their promotion they plan to burn the house down while I'm at school and act like they died the little voice says why don't you act like your going to school hide behind the house and when they go to burn the down you kill them kill them! I thought we could talk it out the little voice says don't do it they'll say you burned the house down and you'll go to jail if you try to negotiate with them I said with a look of distress on my face if I must and so I did end up killing my parents and I burned the house to make it seem like I died turns out I faked my own death along with my parents
Time skip about 10 years
I was 15 and known as a villain I would blow up towns for the hell of it eventually the sadala defense force would try and stop the commander said listen we can stop all this and I can get you back in school and an adopted family I replied that's all I've ever wanted he puts his hand out I put my hand in front of his shoot and enormous energy blast killing him and a lot of the army I start laughing that dumbass thought I was gonna shake his hand what an idiot with that I kill the rest of the army until 3 years later I lost to a super saiyan named Cabba and died that is my story I say he is shocked to say the least.

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