The dance off

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It's been a couple months since Fred's death. That means it's also been a couple months since I killed Percy. In that time I've managed not to kill my father, because that would just be outrageous behavior. I get upset and angry over the tiniest things. Angelina, Fred's ex girlfriend, seems to think I have anger issues. The energy it takes for me NOT to shove a pencil through that woman's eye is... well... a lot. Mum says "he's in a better place" and "he's happier now." If that were true, why doesn't everyone just go there? I did Percy the favor and put him there.

I'm on my way to the joke shop. Ron's been helping me run it recently, and honestly he gets on my nerves. A lot. All he ever talks about is Harry, Harry, Harry, HERMIONE, and more Harry. Sometimes I wish that Scabbers would've just revealed his true self earlier and just... ya know... 🪄✨🔪. Or I wish Aragog would've successfully fed Ron to baby spiders. I mean, what could really go wrong without him really? Sure Hermione would be sad, but 'he'd be in a better place.'

I walk into the shop and Ron is there with Hermione, showing her all the newest products. Recently Ron seems a bit- off. Not like a serial killer off or like off in a i-lost-my-brother kind of way, just off. He seems like he knows more than he used to. The way he speaks is extremely confusing, like he's trying to tell you something but he won't just spit it out. It kind of reminds me of Dumble- i'm not even gonna say it. No way. No WAY is my little brother in any way related to dumbledore. *internally gagging* No. That's like saying I'm voldemort. (YOU ARE) That's just completely and utterly insane.

Before he notices I'm there, I decide to pull a little prank on him. With a flick of my wand a bunch of tiny spiders crawl up the desk where he's talking to Hermione and onto his arms. I see him start to panic and decide now's a good time to go back inside. When I get inside he looks at me with fear and anger in his eyes.

"Get these off me right now-" he panics.

"They want you to tap dance Ron. Don't you want to tap dance?" I reply mentioning the nightmares Ron used to have. "I think you should tap dance."

"I'd be better than you any day of the year." He retorted. "Merlin's beard can't you just be NORMAL for once?"

"Oh yeah? let's go. You. Me. Dance battle. May the best man win."  By now several customers were waiting outside, waiting for the store to open up.

"RON NO YOU CAN'T!" Hermione screamed, not even attempting to move and stop him. "THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY🧍🏻‍♀️!" she finished.

I started playing music and Ron did a dice roll. Starting off with the big moves I see. He finishes off with the old school woah. Pathetic.

Once it's my turn I hit him with some old school moves. I pull out the sprinkler and it goes into a floss. His moves could NEVER be this good. I end it off with a hand jive because who doesn't love a good hand jive.

"Woah! Impressive!" Ron exclaims. "But not impressive enough." He pulls out a flawless shimmy and throws it back. I stare at him in shock as he continues to moonwalk out of the store. He won. I can't believe I just lost to Ronnikins.

"Woah bro. Cool moves dude." I say as he's moonwalking away. When he opens the door people start filing in.

"That guys got some moves!" I hear someone say. "He's way better than that dude-". Frustrated, I left the store, meaning only Hermione was there to take care of customers. That really sucks for her huh. Maybe her boyfriend shouldn't have beat me in that stupid dance off. Maybe Ron really is Dumbledore. No way could he just beat me on his own.

As I'm walking through the streets I get stopped by none other than Rita Skeeter. "Is it true you lost an epic dance battle to your little brother?" She asks excitedly.

"I would hardly call it epic. He was kind of lame if you ask me." Her notepad was writing everything I was saying, as I said it. "And he barely won. Just because he can shake his arse doesn't mean anything."

"Well I don't see you with an absolute dump truck do I?" she says with absolute sass. That was it. That was the last straw. Goodbye daily prophet.

I rip her ear straight off. As I watched her bleed out of where her ear used to be I started feeling regret. Everyone stands around watching as I hold her bloody ear and as she bleeds out.

"MURDERER!" people scream frantically. I start to panic as people are going crazy. Now I've done it. People know what I truly am. Now I only have 2 choices... better myself and go to therapy, or make it my mission to kill every person who now knows I'm a psychopath. Therapy isn't fun. I had to go to therapy once when I came face to face with a boggart at 9 years old. It absolutely sucks. Maybe I'll just... better myself and not go to therapy? Yeah that sounds good. No more killing. None. Absolutely none. Well... maybe 1 person. Just one. No more.

A/N: dance off broskis. Ron coming is with that dump truck. Rita skeeters dead. How sad. Every chapter is gonna get better and better.

an ear for an ear (a george weasley x psychotic break story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang